2 or 8 chickens seem congested for past few months


5 Years
Jul 25, 2018
Montgomery, NY
Hi all,

I have an interesting issue or maybe it's not an issue, I really don't know which is why I'm here! I have 8 orpingtons (2 english lavender and 6 more Americanized buffs) and 2 ducks. For the past few months the two lavenders have sounded a little congested. They have no nasal discharge. Eyes are clear. They are eating and acting totally normally and this has not gotten any worse at all. None of the buffs sound that way and ducks are also fine. Nothing has escalated at all and no one seems off. They are all as fiesty and silly as always.

Has anyone else had anything like this? I had figured if it was some kind of contagious thing someone else would have developed symptoms. Also, they would have gotten worse.

Our coop is cleaned out literally every day. Granted, it is not huge though. It's warmer out now so they have lots of ventilation as we have hardware cloth screens and leave windows open 24/7 (the coop is inside a 10 x 10 dog run with a roof and their yard which is 25 x 25 is surrounded by electric net fencing so they are safe with the hardware cloth screens).

Could it be the pine shavings? Could it be some kind of allergy? Anyone else see this before? I'm not sure if it's worth doing something or if this is not something I need to worry about. Totally at a loss here and we have only had chickens for about a year now so I am still rather new to all of this.

As always, THANK YOU in advance!

For the past few months the two lavenders have sounded a little congested. They have no nasal discharge. Eyes are clear. They are eating and acting totally normally and this has not gotten any worse at all.
Can you post a video of what they sound like? Upload to youtube, provide a link.

How old are these chickens?

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