
In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2018
My 2 month old Rouen is acting very lethargic. Her sibling of the same age is doing perfectly fine as is her other hutch mate. She’s quite a bit smaller than her sibling. We just moved her outside full time about a week ago. Wile letting her and all of the other ducks (11 total) run around and swim we noticed she was just sitting there. I went to pick her up and she didn’t run away like she normally does. I checked her feet, wings, feathers and crop and I noticed her crop feels totally empty. I tried feeding her and she wouldnt. I got her to take one drink of water I don’t think she got into a fight with a hutch mate because she’s in our “sweet baby” hutch with her sibling and a young female runner, we also have a “mean baby” and an adult hutch.
Unfortunately no the only vet in my area that sees ducks is closed. I’ve been researching more and got her to eat by making duck mush by mixing duckling food with water and lettin it set for a few minutes. I also mixed some activated charcoal with her water just incase she ate a bee or something. I’m now calling everywhere near me to see if I can find anywhere that sells duck antibiotics incase it’s a respiratory infection
Are they getting enough niacin? That's exactly what my duckling did when she was having a deficiency. It's also possible she's just not getting enough vital vitamins for her legs to grow properly. You could try a touch of broiler booster in her water and see if she perks up. For a more immediate solution (because broiler booster is usually only sold online and needs to ship,) you could give her some nutritious fruits and veggies. I'm not exactly sure what veggies would be best, but it's a simple matter to look up. Hope I was any help!
Are they getting enough niacin? That's exactly what my duckling did when she was having a deficiency. It's also possible she's just not getting enough vital vitamins for her legs to grow properly. You could try a touch of broiler booster in her water and see if she perks up. For a more immediate solution (because broiler booster is usually only sold online and needs to ship,) you could give her some nutritious fruits and veggies. I'm not exactly sure what veggies would be best, but it's a simple matter to look up. Hope I was any help!

It doesn’t look like her food has any added, I’ll go buy some tomorrow when I go get the antibiotics from the vet supply shop. Thank you!


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A good way to tell if it’s a niacin deficiency is to buy some B complex liquid vitamins and start giving them to your duck. They usually respond pretty quick. 1tab a day

I don’t have any liquid ones but I do have some b12 tablets, do you think I could dissolve one in water and give that to her? If not I’m making a trip to the vet supply tomorrow.

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