2 Moms fighting in dog pen with chicks


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
2 Moms have been in a dog pen for a week with their babies doing well. They started fighting this AM so we took the aggressive one out. She is pacing and wants back in. Now all the hens are edgy and pecking at each other. The rooster is a pain... either chasing them or on them. Question: Leave the nice hen in for the remainder with the chicks? Will the others settle? What to do with the rooster... he needs to go. Meanwhile, the grandkids would love the chicks out for a while and it's a warm day.
If you don't have a separate place to put the agressive hen with her chicks, then yes, I would leave the chicks in with the nice mama. And get rid of the rooster! He'd probably make some good soup! haha Or give him away on Craigslist.

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