2 inch vs. 1 inch chicken wire


5 Years
Feb 8, 2014
Help! So I am pricing out how much my new coop will cost to build. And I am torn on what kind of poultry netting to get. What are the pros and cons to the 1" and 2" sizes?
Also why is the 2" so much cheaper? Any/all help is greatly appreciated.
The two in is cheaper because not as much wiring is used to make it. I would, however, use the one inch. It is sturdier and protects your chickens better. The two inch could get their heads stuck in it and predators could get your chickens.
I would stay away from the poultynet or chicken wire. It's no good to hold predators out (dogs tear through it, raccoons can grab chickens through it), so unlessyou are somewhere with no predator problems go for 1/2" hardware cloth. The wire that is used on that is thicker and sturdier, cannot be chewed through and holds up to the most determined of predators, safe maybe a bear. If you want to save money, get poultry netting with the smallest holes and cover at least the bottom 2 feet with hardware cloth.

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