2 Budgies. How to tame?


Aug 2, 2019
I got my blue budgie [Piper] about a week or so ago, and Piper seemed ready to warm up to me. Fella even perched on my finger a few times without being bribed. Excellent progress, I think. But there wasn't much chatter or over all activity, so I figured a new friend would help. (I'm told they prefer to be in a group and should at least be in pairs.)

So, Piper got a nice green friend [Scout].

At first, they fought over the highest perch. So I moved them to a bigger cage and added a new perch and a few toys.

Since then, instant friends, mutual grooming and some pleasant chatter.

Only, now Piper has been shying away from me, so I guess I am back to square one with them.

I will give them time to settle, and I'll talk to them while I do simple activities such as enjoying coffee or reading. And I hope to work up to hand-feeding and finger training.

I know it takes patience and persistence, and that I have to go at the birds' pace.

But any tips beyond that?
What about foods and treats for bribery? (I purchased millet.)

The pet store was not overly helpful. The care sheet advised a 45 day quarantine of limited interaction for the bird(s) to settle in.
They were fed mostly seeds and, according to one of the staff, lettuce and cucumber.
I want to do better than that. I have the commercial blend of food, and they eat it just fine, and I have been trying to give them fruits and vegetables. So far, nothing catches their interest. I've just been putting it in an extra food dish. I will try to hang it somewhere in the cage later.

What else can I do?
I want them happy and healthy. And I want them to trust me eventually.

45 day quarantine of limited interaction!?! While many people advise letting your new bird settle in to it's new environment before interacting, I find it better to interact straight away and be the first thing the bird gets used to so they see you as the safe thing in this big change. Still don't force the interaction, but just be there and be friendly.

keep offering treats. Do they like the millet? Also, Is Scout tame?

With the veggies, are you saying you're offering it in a separate dish when they still have access to the other food? Also, what does the commercial feed consist of?
Keep feeding them fruit and treats out of your hand. Definitely add veggies, fruits and protein (mealworms, bits of hard boiled egg) to their diet.
Thank you. I haven't tried egg yet but I most certainly will!
What's the best way to serve the fruits and vegetables? So far the birds haven't touched anything other than their food and millet.
45 day quarantine of limited interaction!?! While many people advise letting your new bird settle in to it's new environment before interacting, I find it better to interact straight away and be the first thing the bird gets used to so they see you as the safe thing in this big change. Still don't force the interaction, but just be there and be friendly.

keep offering treats. Do they like the millet? Also, Is Scout tame?

With the veggies, are you saying you're offering it in a separate dish when they still have access to the other food? Also, what does the commercial feed consist of?
45 days seemed a bit excessive, but the 'care sheet' said nothing else about caring for the birds. Thank goodness for the internet! I've been reading a ton about them and proper care. I'm being friendly and rather non-intrusive. I change out the food and water and I offer treats and clean the cage. Beyond that, I'm constantly near them and talking calmly, and they have a set 'bed time' to be covered.

They like millet, but I read that it is fatty, so how much is okay for them to eat? And no, Scout is not tame. They came from a pet store with pet store conditions: small cage and no handling. The people there didn't seem to know much about them when I asked questions .

I was trying to offer the veggies in a separate dish ans allow them regular access to their usual food. Should I try something different? What fruits and veggies should I be trying? I'll have to check the bag to know what all is in the food.
45 days seemed a bit excessive, but the 'care sheet' said nothing else about caring for the birds. Thank goodness for the internet! I've been reading a ton about them and proper care. I'm being friendly and rather non-intrusive. I change out the food and water and I offer treats and clean the cage. Beyond that, I'm constantly near them and talking calmly, and they have a set 'bed time' to be covered.

They like millet, but I read that it is fatty, so how much is okay for them to eat? And no, Scout is not tame. They came from a pet store with pet store conditions: small cage and no handling. The people there didn't seem to know much about them when I asked questions .

I was trying to offer the veggies in a separate dish ans allow them regular access to their usual food. Should I try something different? What fruits and veggies should I be trying? I'll have to check the bag to know what all is in the food.

I don't know the exact amount of millet to feed as treats. I use millet and sunflower seeds for training treats, but they only get them when training and I limit the amount to what I see as reasonable. Sorry I can't give an exact amount.

If veggies are offered separately and there is another option for them to eat, they won't eat the veggies. Try and make the veggies look exciting. This is what I give to my parrots for breakfast. They are only offered this, but because it looks so colourful and exciting, they love eating it. I then give them pellets in the evening. My parrots don't have any seed in their regular diet. Because of this, they work much harder for for their seeds because they're more valuable. I also don't put fruit in their regular diet either, too much fruit isn't great for them, but it can be used as treats.

IMG_20190923_213844 (1).jpg

You seem to be going in the right direction with taming them. Keep it up! Are they scared of you or just don't seem interested in you? My bourke's parrot is skittish and the least tame of my parrots, but he loves millet and will happily sit on me as long as he has millet. I am working with him very slowly, sometimes it takes a lot of patience. I hope you can tame them. I'm happy to help with any other questions you have.
Start giving them fresh vegetables and pellets always when they are young! Parakeets diet should not be just seed as that is incredibly unhealthy. It is much harder to get them to eat right as they get older. The best way to tame them is to get them used to you. Talk to them, read to them, just slowly work to gain their trust. Handfeeding is great. Budgies make the best of companions once tame. My budgie was my best friend and I miss him dearly.

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