2 Brahma roosters w/ only 6 hens


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2023
Hi all,
I have 6 laying light Brahmas (6 months old). I ended up picking up a lil baby chick (also LB) w terrible pasty butt from a farm store. Well, it needed a friend so I picked up another LB (they are 11 & 14 weeks old now). Turns out they’re both cockerels. My intentions were to give the youngest away when the older 1 was good to go out w the girls, but younger 1 has an underbite (pic included, he always looks sad 😆) & well, he’s just the sweetest, both boys are! Finally, my question LoL, is it ok to still keep them both w only 6 hens? I really don’t want to separate any. Also, if the small 1s beak is genetic, I wouldn’t want that passed down. Can he be neutered? Is that even a thing? Or am I just REALLY overthinking this? 😂
It’s my 1st year w chickens.

EDIT: Would anyone happen to know how much time I have before the boys become hormone filled boys? Wasn’t sure since Brahmas are slower to mature. Thanks!


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No it’s not okay to keep 2 males w 6 hens. They may be sweet now, but when their hormones come in full force, you’re going to have chaos. I would cull/rehome the one with the beak defect.
Neutering cockerels is called caponizing and yours are probably already too old to do it safely.
Hi all,
I have 6 laying light Brahmas (6 months old). I ended up picking up a lil baby chick (also LB) w terrible pasty butt from a farm store. Well, it needed a friend so I picked up another LB (they are 11 & 14 weeks old now). Turns out they’re both cockerels. My intentions were to give the youngest away when the older 1 was good to go out w the girls, but younger 1 has an underbite (pic included, he always looks sad 😆) & well, he’s just the sweetest, both boys are! Finally, my question LoL, is it ok to still keep them both w only 6 hens? I really don’t want to separate any. Also, if the small 1s beak is genetic, I wouldn’t want that passed down. Can he be neutered? Is that even a thing? Or am I just REALLY overthinking this? 😂
It’s my 1st year w chickens.
I would say at desperate minimum for bigger breeds like brahamas 5 per roo
No it’s not okay to keep 2 males w 6 hens. They may be sweet now, but when their hormones come in full force, you’re going to have chaos. I would cull/rehome the one with the beak defect.
Neutering cockerels is called caponizing and yours are probably already too old to do it safely.
Thank you for your response. Honestly, I didn’t really a chicken could be neutered lol
Guess I’ll need to make some plans!
Thank you. That’s what I thought. 😕 I told my hubby I need to get 20 more chickens. LoL.
I know how you feel when I found out two of the chickens I bought labeled as “pullets” were Cockerels and I already had a cockerel I ended up (and still am) scouring for hens I still need 10 but only one has hit maturity he went from the sweet I’ll sit on your lap and love to KILL HUMANS DIE I KILL EVERYTHING NO MATTER HOW BIG
I know how you feel when I found out two of the chickens I bought labeled as “pullets” were Cockerels and I already had a cockerel I ended up (and still am) scouring for hens I still need 10 but only one has hit maturity he went from the sweet I’ll sit on your lap and love to KILL HUMANS DIE I KILL EVERYTHING NO MATTER HOW BIG
I didn’t want any roosters so ordered all pullets. I started hoping 1 would up being a cockerel. Nope, all girls. I saved the ‘lil chick, then got it a friend (both labeled “pullets”) ended up the 2 are cockerels. LoL I’ve been told they ‘should’ stay pretty laid back & nice bc of the breed, but I wasn’t sure only having a few hens to go around if that would still be the case. Guess 1s got to go 😢
I didn’t want any roosters so ordered all pullets. I started hoping 1 would up being a cockerel. Nope, all girls. I saved the ‘lil chick, then got it a friend (both labeled “pullets”) ended up the 2 are cockerels. LoL I’ve been told they ‘should’ stay pretty laid back & nice bc of the breed, but I wasn’t sure only having a few hens to go around if that would still be the case. Guess 1s got to go 😢
Whoever told you laid back and nice is wrong I have “the most kid pet and adult friendly” and he attacks everything I told everyone the same and then he hit age where he nonstops with crowing and tries to kill everything once their testosterone lowers and they are like 2 years old they will be more laid back but until then they will be evil no matter the breed a rooster is a rooster
Whoever told you laid back and nice is wrong I have “the most kid pet and adult friendly” and he attacks everything I told everyone the same and then he hit age where he nonstops with crowing and tries to kill everything once their testosterone lowers and they are like 2 years old they will be more laid back but until then they will be evil no matter the breed a rooster is a rooster
Oh no. How old was he when that stage kicked in? Both are so afraid of the girls lol. If anny of the girls even look at them, they’re off running like they’re on fire! The boys even sleep in the coop floor so they’re not up on the roosts w the girls. Still no crowing yet.
Oh no. How old was he when that stage kicked in? Both are so afraid of the girls lol. If anny of the girls even look at them, they’re off running like they’re on fire! The boys even sleep in the coop floor so they’re not up on the roosts w the girls. Still no crowing yet.
Umm probably two weeks before my hens gave me their first egg

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