18 week old pullet with chronic diarrhea


7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Montevallo, AL
I have one white rock pullet in a my flock of 9 that has had diarrhea on and off since she was little and never really shook it. None of the others had any issues, it's just her.

She has slightly curved toes and what can only be described as a patchwork comb (some spikes are as thick as a toothpick, some look like normal spikes on a single comb). To me those features point to being not very well bred, ofcourse, the crooked toes could be related to a vitamin deficiency. Her legs have always been pale yellow, compared to bright yellow legs on her sister. She acts fine, active, eats and drinks well, but clearly there's some malabsorbsion going on.

They did not get medicated starter, as I feel that doesn't produce as resilient of a bird as an unmedicated bird. They did get Marek's vaccines, since they were hatchery stock.

Her feces are pasty looking, orange/brown, no blood, with slight air bubbles after just passing. She also goes frequently. I just watched her pass 3 small stools in a few minutes time. The quantity of her stools is larger than the other pullets, but the size is much smaller. The remaining birds have large firms stools.

Any thoughts on what could be ailing her? I didn't think it was cocci, seeing as it never affected any of the other birds, and she's been going with it for 18 weeks, also no blood in the stools. Same for worms, one would think all the birds would be affected if it was worms. I just chalked it up to predisposition, since I never noticed any other issues. I realize she will likely not live as long as the others, considering this condition and being bred for production to begin with.

Considering the other birds, I do not expect it to be dietary or otherwise environmentally related.

I suppose I mainly wonder if there is such a thing as a hereditary chronic diarrhea in chickens, like Crohn's or IBS in humans.

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