17 week old Ameraucana rooster


7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Montevallo, AL
Alright, 5:30. Our little rooster boy has started crowing for the first time and nonstop at that. I think the combination of the coop being locked (to break some of the wind, normally it's open day/night) and the red light (It's real cold tonight) set him off. Opened the coop, turned off the light. So far, so good....


He will need to be rehomed, last time my neighbors called the city to complain and I ended up with a code enforcer on my doorstep.

I hatched him myself from a blue/green egg. All eggs in the batch where the same shade. If you wish to check out what the egg color looks like, the gentleman who gave me the eggs also sells them at 'Frankie's market' in Helena.

He is an Ameraucana, mostly black with some silver along his back. His 'sister' is similar in coloring. He's quite handsome, if I say so myself. Straight legs, toes, beak etc. Nice beard. No defects as I can tell, but probably not show quality, however I know squat about the SOP.

He's mild mannered and curious, I leave him alone and he leaves me alone. In our flock he's bottom of the pecking order due to his age. He's 17 weeks today. Has no received any medicated food as a chick, nor has he be wormed or otherwise received medicine. Raised on Dumor and Purina. No health issues either, nice solid droppings, just felt it fair to warn that we do not medicate.

I will take pictures later, just did not want to waste time lisiting him. Time is ticking! I likely have days before he has to go into the pot.

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