12+ Hours After pipping, membrane looks dry - do I moisten it?


In the Brooder
Jan 27, 2019
This is only my 2nd ever hatch, so I’m VERY new at this. Yesterday, eggs were pipping and we had our first hatch during the day. Last night around 9:30, the egg in question pipped slightly. Today, I swore I saw it jiggle a bit. I’ve been checking in periodically and it appears as though the membrane is very dry (I know the picture is quite terrible, but I’m worried that I’m a newbie that’s freaked out over nothing and I don’t want to prematurely open the bator). The egg in question is the brown egg. Should I use a q-tip or paper towel to slightly moisten the pipped area? Thank you!


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Hopefully everything turned out well. If this happens again check your humidity level and if necessary add water if you can without opening the incubator.
Happy hatching!
Hopefully everything turned out well. If this happens again check your humidity level and if necessary add water if you can without opening the incubator.
Happy hatching!

I ended up slipping a wet paper towel in to increase the humidity... and overnight it hatched! I’m glad I didn’t interfere any more than I did - like I said, I am new at this and didn’t want to make things worse!

Why not remove the hatched into the Brooder? They knock eggs over and interfere in the hatch.

Yes, I eventually did. I was weighing the benefits of not opening the bator while I had eggs that had pipped vs. eggs getting knocked around by hatched chicks. Once they started getting rowdy, I put the chicks in the brooder and they are happy as can be!

So far 6/10 eggs have hatched and we have 2 more that have pipped - so the wait continues! Thank you both for replying with your helpful suggestions!

I had read and reread a few of these already! Thank you for sharing - I’m definitely learning a lot and plan to get a better thermometer and a hygrometer for my next hatch! So far we have 8 babies in the brooder, egg 9 of 10 has pipped, and we will keep waiting on the last egg! So far I’m very pleased with how it’s going!

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