12 day old chick with weak leg not thriving


In the Brooder
Aug 13, 2015
Hi, I have one of my chicks that isn't doing well. Her right leg is very weak. She can walk a little then the leg trembles and she falls down. Physically it appears fine to me, but it quivers when you hold her. Just that one leg. She sleeps a ton. She does eat and drink a little, but nowhere near as much as the others.

When she puts her bum leg down she lifts it a little (off the pine shavings) like it hurts.

We have her secluded from the others and spoon feed her starter food and water with electrolytes. Is there anything else I should be doing? Do you think she can outgrow it?

If it is Mareks , how fast does that spread to other chicks? I had one die the day I bought her. She just started heavy breathing and keeled over and died. The other chicks are doing really well though. I figured if it was mareks it would have wiped them all out? They were supposedly vaccinated for Mareks, however.

Is selenium deficiency a problem with chickens? Is the feed medicated? I would try a good multiple vitamin/mineral and substitute ACV in the water instead of electrolytes for a week & see if she seems better. ACV 2-3 teaspoons per quart of water. What does her poop look lie? Could it be cocci?
That happened with one of my chicks and we felt bad so we didn't want to get rid of her, eventually it got better and she is now in good shape and laying eggs. I don't know if you would be ok with letting her be in pain

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