10 weeks old ! Is it an araucana ? Is it a girl ? The man from where i got the blue egg had no rumpless chickens or roosters !

I’d guess it’s a mixed breed, not a foreign one. Do those birds lay blue?
Ha, not foreign to me! Unless you count the Isle of Man as extra-territorial because that is where they originate from but you can buy them on mainland Britain. There are also Persian rumpless breeds.

I just googled and there are conflicting accounts of egg colour.
Ha, not foreign to me! Unless you count the Isle of Man as extra-territorial because that is where they originate from but you can buy them on mainland Britain. There are also Persian rumpless breeds.

I just googled and there are conflicting accounts of egg colour.
True, true.
I’d assumed the OP was in the US.
But if they got a blue egg from a mixed flock it’s most likely a mix.

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