10 week old BLRW


5 Years
Jun 21, 2018
I bought both of these as day old chicks, and I've been going back and forth on sex. At one point, I was convinced both are little cockerels, but now I'm not sure. Pretty positive the black one is a boy, any chance the blue might be a girl?


A couple of weeks ago, they looked about the same, and I thought both were boys. Now blue had lighter and smaller comb and wattles, but still more than most pics I see of other BLRWs.

This pic was when they were 6 weeks, and I thought both boys because they were so developed for so young.

ARGH, so jealous!! Your birds are lovely, both of you, lucky things!! I have wanted to get some BLRW for ages and my last hatch gave me a couple of straight up blue pullets and some pure white. Not a red anywhere. I have potential for some eggs again now but I would be willing to bet that my broody quits the mission before I get the eggs.
I forgot to mention that these two do fight for dominance and have since about 6 w/o, which is what originally tipped me off. But someone told me Wyandotte hens can be really dominant too and might just be establishing pecking order. They don't try it with anyone else though, only each other.

I think it's possible both could turn out to be pullets. Wyandotte girls will sometimes get big, red combs early, for some reason. And neither of your Wyandottes looks like it has particularly thick legs. So I think it is worth waiting a bit until you know for sure one way or the other.

That's crazy! I guess that's what I get for getting a mix of all different breeds and colors. These guys have bigger combs than my 4 month old Cochin and Brahma.

ARGH, so jealous!! Your birds are lovely, both of you, lucky things!! I have wanted to get some BLRW for ages and my last hatch gave me a couple of straight up blue pullets and some pure white. Not a red anywhere. I have potential for some eggs again now but I would be willing to bet that my broody quits the mission before I get the eggs.

Thank you! I'm very partial to the blue one, the black one I'm very meh about and may or may not keep even if it's a girl. But obviously a girl is much easier to rehome if it does come to that. I looked for a home for an older roo I have, and I couldn't find one where he wouldn't be soup. I ended up getting a collar for him and I'm trying to keep him, but obviously won't keep any more boys.
I forgot to mention that these two do fight for dominance and have since about 6 w/o, which is what originally tipped me off. But someone told me Wyandotte hens can be really dominant too and might just be establishing pecking order. They don't try it with anyone else though, only each other.

My nine week old BLRW pullets (I think) are very pushy with each other, so much so my kid named one "Fighter". I wouldn't necessarily use that as a roo marker. They've been pushy with each other since week three, and definitely are #1 and #2 so far in my random mix flock.

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