1 wk old chicks eating styrofoam


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 26, 2009
I may have a problem. I have a brooder box that has a thin layer of styrofoam on the bottom under the part wear the waterer is. I have it lined with layers of newspaper. I was gone for an hr and a half. In that time they tore back the paper and ate about a 1/2 dollar size of the foam. Not sure if all ate it. There are 20 chicks in there. What should I do??
I'm by no means an expert, but I have a friend who has been raising chickens forever and she actually puts styrofoam out in the chicken house when she comes across it from packaging, etc. saying that they like to eat it. I always thought it was odd and never really agreed that she should do that. But then, she's had chickens for years and years and I've had them for about 3 weeks. It still seems really odd to me though....
Mine did the same thing with construction foam I had used in my greenhouse. They wouldn't leave it alone. That was 6 weeks ago and they're all still alive. Maybe nothing will happen but you should prevent it as much as you can. Hope that helps.
Polystyrene is pretty close to chemically inert, but I've read that it can make eggs taste funny.

Chickens are pretty notorious for eating it. No clue why. Doesn't seem to make them sick or anything. My girls ate a bunch of "great stuff" and they're all fine. The only sick hen I've had ate too much avocado.
I think if it was my chicks, I would give them some chick grit or sand to help break up any of the styrofoam that is too large for their little digestive systems, just in case.
thank you for responding. Was planning on staying up late tonight, but now I think I can sleep. I love this site! Here I was panicking over nothing.

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