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About a month back I got my hands on a cow skull. I like to paint skulls and I have multiple that I have painted. A cow skull is by far the biggest I have in my collection so far.

I need help deciding what to paint/put on it and what theme to go with. I sometimes go with a theme of how the animal died, if I knew how it died. Most of the ones I have I don't know how they died. And sometimes I go with something relating to the species or something related to how I got the skull.

Here are some examples of my work:

Raccoon skull, this one was painted with sakura blossoms because I believe it died of old age. One day I went outside and it was dead in the back yard with no injuries. It's canines were really filed down, a sign of age. He was painted with a peaceful theme to represent a natural and peaceful death.


Coyote Skull, a dog brought the old dead body of a coyote from lord knows where, so I got the skull. I had no idea how it died, I am assuming by a farmer that lived nearby. I painted the coyote with a viking theme because it is a canine and vikings liked their canines. I gave the skull some chains over the muzzle to show that coyotes are often silenced and preferred to be quiet.


Deer skull, this one is the newest one, other than the cow skull. I got this one from my husband about a year ago. He also gave me a bouqet with it. We had no idea how it died, he just found the bones in the woods and knew I would like it. I put both the skull and bouqet together in the art piece. I also used my wood burning tools to make some dotted "shading" for extra detail. This one is not painted.


Ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Real name's Monica, but you can call me BRG (shortening of my username)
2. Are you an artist, aspiring artist, or art lover?
Aspiring artist
3. Favorite art style/medium?
Realism, graphite pencils.
4. The goal you want to reach with art?
To have it look good enough that I'm not embarrassed to show it to anyone.
5. Attach pictures of art you are proud of, art you want to end up being able to create, or art you like to look at.
This is my latest. I'm proud of it.
Real name's Monica, but you can call me BRG (shortening of my username)

Aspiring artist

Realism, graphite pencils.

To have it look good enough that I'm not embarrassed to show it to anyone.

This is my latest. I'm proud of it.View attachment 3837916
Welcome to the Community Art Nook, BRG! We are happy to have you here!

We are here to help you with your goals! Feel free to ask for tips and post WIPs!

That looks great! You will be at your goal in no time!
Welcome to the Community Art Nook, BRG! We are happy to have you here!

We are here to help you with your goals! Feel free to ask for tips and post WIPs!

That looks great! You will be at your goal in no time!
Thanks, I'm happy to be here!

Thank you, I will!

I hope so! That isn't a very good photo though, I was half asleep when I took it... I can try for a better one later.
☆ WIP Phoenix Rooster ☆

The lighting for the picture did not turn out as good as I wanted it to, but here is my current WIP! I have not been working on it as much as I would like, but it is coming together.

This piece has been alot of painting over places I already painted until I got to what I liked. Who knows how many layers of paint are on this canvas!

This painting is what I think of when I hear someone say "Phoenix Rooster" so there are phoenix wings spreading out from behind the phoenix rooster like a "shadow" of his wings.
☆ WIP Phoenix Rooster ☆

The lighting for the picture did not turn out as good as I wanted it to, but here is my current WIP! I have not been working on it as much as I would like, but it is coming together.

This piece has been alot of painting over places I already painted until I got to what I liked. Who knows how many layers of paint are on this canvas!

This painting is what I think of when I hear someone say "Phoenix Rooster" so there are phoenix wings spreading out from behind the phoenix rooster like a "shadow" of his wings.
View attachment 3838108
I love it!!!!

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