🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

Is the name Pepsi

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we finally went back to puppy classes for the first time! It went well, we stood far away from the class 😅. There was a new person there who apparently does something with security dogs, I don’t know if she handles or trains them. My mother of course asked her for advice because thats what my mother does 🙃

so she came to see what Peps was doing and to talk to us. She asked as what we think was going on so I told her, few minutes later she is telling my mother we need one of those very fine slip-leash-collars instead of the wide flat collar 😑 she said she was going to bring some next class so the puppy class can try them :he. Run from any trainer who immediately slaps an aversive tool on a dog before they have watched or done anything with the dog!

later when Pep is in the car, she puts a slip leash on somebody randoms dog and starts yanking it around while the dog is looking scared 🙁 telling us this is what we need to do with Pepsi 🙄. The cherry on the top, is my mother talked to her in the one building and she had one of her dogs with her. apparently every few minutes she would have to stop talking and walk around with the dog because it looked at another dog, she would tell my mother thats what we need to do 🤣

for some reason I won’t be taking her advice 🙃 and will be going back to my original plan of doing my own thing with the dogs and using the classes as a distraction in the background

tired from all the excitement!

We have been going frequently to garden centres and we are making progress slowly! She is also starting to not mind the car! :wee

some of her siblings also seem to have excitement dog reactivity problems 😅

training plan is

-work more on heel. I originally didn’t want to because it will make teaching the sighted-guiding task later more difficult but it is a really useful skill, which I think I actually need her to know 😅

-more engagement. Similar to heel, I didn’t want to work too much on engagement because I need her to be aware and react/interact with the environment but not working on it hasn’t worked because I enjoy having a dog that engages with me a lot!

-teach her some tasks to help with engagement

-frequent short outings and going to puppy class
Training is not going great 🙁 she gets overstimulated/excited/frustrated extremely quickly when out. So for the moment she won't be doing public access 🥲 until maturity and training kicks in!

I love these breeds and hate them :lau Fanta has adult dog brain now, its so nice!

The dogs got new beds! Pepsi loves them! Fanta is not so sure about them 😆

Turns out it is my eyesight that's making some dog training difficult and frustrating! Specially when its a large reactive dog I am handling 😅

I can't put guide dog in training on her because most guide dogs in training are trained by people who don't need them :hmm
Long overdue update! Got a but burnt out and frustrated with dog training but I think I am mostly over that now!

Before I confuse people one of Pepsi's nicknames is Snout. Outing+ Snout = Snouting, Snouting can also mean when she sticks her ears back and starts wiggling or jabbing her nose at something

We have been slowly working on her reactivity and getting some progress! I haven't done much with her recently because she is now coming out of her first season, which I was not expecting at 8m old! It was well timed because I was going away for 3 days, so we didn't have much time to work with her the week before and now the one after.

She seems to have calmed down so hopefully after this season she will be less reactive!

She is now bigger then Fanta! She is getting along better with Twiggy, because Twiggy ended up getting allergy medication in a roundabout way, which has made her a lot happier and more tolerant of large puppies 😅
My mother got the dogs a children's floor piano mat, which Peps had a lot of fun screaming at :lau I tried to get her to understand how it worked but she was too busy screaming. It even barked back at her which increased the screaming 😆

We finally found harnesses that fit her! I don't have nice pictures of her wearing the other one, it fits her better then this one

Pepsi 1.jpg

Her all most stacking naturally! I want to take a stacked picture of her again

She needs to have her snout in everything that is happening not just watch but actually be a part of it 😆
She is finally starting to understand fetch! She has learnt the fun game of dump the toy on me when I am sitting on the couch and then a throw it. Which is turning into fetch when outside too

Fanta has taught her the go-find-the-toy-you-just-lost cue, which has been very helpful because it's normally her who has lost the toy 😅

I have been trying to teach her to sniff out aloe vera, it was going well until, she decided to eat some :lau Now she keeps trying to eat it! :thIt is not good for dogs to eat! Thankfully it is just monitor them not rush them to the vet

Now we need to work on her constantly screaming at us when we sit down to eat 🥲 she can't be in the same room but she can see and hear us from her room. I want to get a treat and train to help teach her to settle but they are out of stock every where! I wouldn't be surprised if they never come back in stock :( but I can't find an alternative. Seems like the treat and train is the only one like it :barnie.

There are cheaper ones that just have a button meant for the dogs but that makes it over all less useful, since it doesn't have different settings and the button is not easy to carry around
I don't know if I have mentioned it before but her herding instinct has come through now instead of her shark on 😆. She likes being near the sheep and sniffing them. If they run she will try to run in front of them to stop them but as soon as they stop running she stops too

Her reactivity is much better after her season! She still struggles with dogs but its back to being manageable again! She is a extremely neutral dog to everything else (except people talking to us though that is improving quickly 😅). Something loud drops near her, glances at it then its boring 😆

She did see fish in a pet shop for the first time which was a weird experience for her. At first she didn't notice them and got quite close, when she looked up and saw fish she had to retreat to a safe distance. she did not like how they moved, potentially very dangerous fish😆. Then she just stared at them until I moved next to the tank, that made her a bit more comfortable so she started stretching forwards to sniff at them, backend left as far behind as possible :lau. I think the lack of smell just made them weirder to her. In the end we had to leave them when she decided to bark at them, from a safe distance of course

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