šŸ¶The adventures of a little land shark with a jobšŸ¦ˆ

Is the name Pepsi

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Pepsi is training is doing okay. unfortunately the disadvantage of living in the countryside is that she only see dogs, people, cars and the ā€œurbanā€œ environment when we drive somewhere with her, instead of it being a daily thing šŸ„² . Which means its still very exciting and interesting to her, so I have a 17kg puppy pulling in random directions :(.

we took her out to a market close to the start my mother needed to go into a shop so we waited outside. an old lady with a dog walks past and the dog starts barking at Pepsi, so Peps starts barking back and lunging šŸ™ the old lady is struggling to get her dog to move so they stand there for a bit. Which of course meant Peps was to excited for the rest of the outing

she did watch some dogs from far away nicely but it was too much when they got closer.

and there have been so many people every time we go out talking and trying to distract her :hesomebody asked is she friendly then before I could answer they crouched down and started trying to get her attention:barniewhy ask if you wonā€™t wait for an answer! Somebody else far away yelling ā€œhow old?ā€ At me then whistling at Peps when I donā€™t reply, which was very confusingšŸ˜† no hello, no coming closer just yelling a question
I'm obviously no dog training expert, and I really don't mean to be rude, but I thought introductions to stimulating things and places should be done very gradually. She needs to be set up for success, right? Like, shouldn't she work up to ignoring dogs getting close and people distracting her? Or is there just no way around it and she just has to get used to it on her own?
I'm obviously no dog training expert, and I really don't mean to be rude, but I thought introductions to stimulating things and places should be done very gradually. She needs to be set up for success, right? Like, shouldn't she work up to ignoring dogs getting close and people distracting her? Or is there just no way around it and she just has to get used to it on her own?
I will say I wouldnā€™t call myself and expert, I definitely donā€™t know everything and will definitely be or have made mistakes!

socialising is a very complicated thing, yes you should set the dog up for success but things out of our control will happen (the dog barking at her) and it can be hard in the moment to work out what the right thing is. (Also most of the time its very narrow and there isnā€™t a lot lf space for me to manoeuvre)

Other people might have set up a more structured training session but I didnā€™t do this for a few reasons

1. She is still young it was a socialisation outing more then training. We went so she can look around,sniff and get used to everything because once everything is not so new and exciting it will be much easier to train her

2. She has seen dogs before, she seems to struggles if there are too many and there is nothing else around that interesting or in this case having one bark at her. We did then stand and watch a few dogs and she did really well

3.most of her reactions to dogs and people is because they are new and exciting. I know she is extremely confident so I could take her to where there are a lot of people, after a bit she completely ignored people who did not make eye contact or talk to her. For her seeing 1 person is a lot harder then 10

I definitely would not have taken Pikelet and done this but I know Pepsi would be fine. Pepsi (and Fanta) go from 0 to 100% excitement then back to 0 in no time which is another thing I have taken into consideration. She has been bred to lunge and bark so it isnā€™t hard to get her to do it but then we go around a corner and she is completely fine. she isnā€™t acting stressed, though she does get frustrated quickly its just excitement

Fanta struggles more with the calming done then Pepsi šŸ˜…

I have a lot of thoughts and ideas about what I am doing and why, I found it very difficult to write it all down in a way that makes sense so hope it does! :lau (And remember all of it when I want to write it down!)
Yeah, now it's more visible. It doesn't seem to affect her though
It was just a shock when I found it šŸ˜† I looked at the video of her at the breeders I have and it was bent like that then! I think she got her tail stuck in a door and it healed oddly, I really wouldnā€™t be surprised šŸ™„ she makes a much bigger deal out of slipping slightly then anything I expected to actually hurt :lau
I will say I wouldnā€™t call myself and expert, I definitely donā€™t know everything and will definitely be or have made mistakes!

socialising is a very complicated thing, yes you should set the dog up for success but things out of our control will happen (the dog barking at her) and it can be hard in the moment to work out what the right thing is. (Also most of the time its very narrow and there isnā€™t a lot lf space for me to manoeuvre)

Other people might have set up a more structured training session but I didnā€™t do this for a few reasons

1. She is still young it was a socialisation outing more then training. We went so she can look around,sniff and get used to everything because once everything is not so new and exciting it will be much easier to train her

2. She has seen dogs before, she seems to struggles if there are too many and there is nothing else around that interesting or in this case having one bark at her. We did then stand and watch a few dogs and she did really well

3.most of her reactions to dogs and people is because they are new and exciting. I know she is extremely confident so I could take her to where there are a lot of people, after a bit she completely ignored people who did not make eye contact or talk to her. For her seeing 1 person is a lot harder then 10

I definitely would not have taken Pikelet and done this but I know Pepsi would be fine. Pepsi (and Fanta) go from 0 to 100% excitement then back to 0 in no time which is another thing I have taken into consideration. She has been bred to lunge and bark so it isnā€™t hard to get her to do it but then we go around a corner and she is completely fine. she isnā€™t acting stressed, though she does get frustrated quickly its just excitement

Fanta struggles more with the calming done then Pepsi šŸ˜…

I have a lot of thoughts and ideas about what I am doing and why, I found it very difficult to write it all down in a way that makes sense so hope it does! :lau (And remember all of it when I want to write it down!)
I see, thanks!
I looked up herding dog training and the first step seems quite simple. Take dog, dog start running around sheep, get dog to run one way round yell a word at them, repeat the other way

I might try to get videos of me trying to train Peps with all most no clue what I am doing :lau
I looked up herding dog training and the first step seems quite simple. Take dog, dog start running around sheep, get dog to run one way round yell a word at them, repeat the other way

I might try to get videos of me trying to train Peps with all most no clue what I am doing :lau
It did not go amazingly šŸ˜… she started to bounce on the sheep and nip at them(she never actually made contact with sheep) to be fair though the sheep were not moving, so it wasnā€™t too bad šŸ„² since she was doing it to get them movingā€¦ I hope šŸ˜…

I tried using a stick to get her moving round the sheep in the direction I wanted, no surprise that didnā€™t work :lau

the question are
-does she actually have herding instinct or is she just harass them
-will she be calmer if the sheep are moving
-what can I do to make it less frustrating for her
-GSD herding style is different to border collies all the training videos where on border collie. I wonder how that effects things

I started with her and sheep in the barn area (small fenced in area) but the sheep donā€™t really move away from her, so her behaviour got worse (frustrated/excited)

I then took the sheep out to walk to their field area and then called Peps, once we where out of the barn area. She seemed calmer when they where moving (though she didnā€™t get bored and wonder off ) this is what I did yesterday, she help me take sheep from the barn to the field, then back later in the day. It seems like she tryā€™s to keep the sheep near me

I might continue taking her when I move the sheep šŸ¤”

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