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I always thought that massages were like kneading the muscles and stuff like that.
Not *WHACKWHACKWHACKWHACKWHACK* accompanied by hair pulling.
There is more than one form of massage. Have you not seen the method that looks like a series of karate chops? Apparently it is Swedish massage.

Shiatsu massage is more putting pressure and holding it on certain areas.
Stealing goslings is much the same. Although mine aren't big on beatings. They prefer hissing and pinching.
I had an Airedale that learned that lesson. I kept missing goose eggs from the nest. I had a belly laugh the day I found out what was going on.

The Airedale was stealing the goose eggs. This particular time she didn't wait for the goose to get off of the nest. She walked up, stuck her nose under the goose to grab an egg. The goose grabbed her lip on the side, clamped down and twisted. Dog and goose seemingly flew away from the nest with the dog flinging the goose around and the goose hanging on for dear life. They made it a good 30' before the goose let go.

The dog learned her lesson and never bothered the goose eggs again.
I always thought that massages were like kneading the muscles and stuff like that.
Not *WHACKWHACKWHACKWHACKWHACK* accompanied by hair pulling.
Depends on technique…. As an LMT for over a decade now, there are several variations of tapotement.

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