⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

Just remembered cause just had to do it. What geos the absolute best with high water? Yep termite swarms yay just had to fund all the stoppers for tubs and sinks then ducttape over the bathroom vents. No can't use masking tape its paper paper is wood. Here's your southern. Living great huh. Nah they don't show this s*** on TV huh. Look up some pics search Louisiana termite swarms
Just remembered cause just had to do it. What geos the absolute best with high water? Yep termite swarms yay just had to fund all the stoppers for tubs and sinks then ducttape over the bathroom vents. No can't use masking tape its paper paper is wood. Here's your southern. Living great huh. Nah they don't show this s*** on TV huh. Look up some pics search Louisiana termite swarms
Man, I'm sorry. Like you didn't have enough going on.
After Katrina, Urs and I set up a medical clinic at the FEMA camp, Poplarville, MS. It was at the USD Agriculture station and we talked to some of the agents from N.Orleans.
They told us one of the only things to survive in the flood waters were the termites.
I probably should’ve put these in a spoiler 😂 I’m dying here!!!! :lau
Will you marry me Fatty?
I kept my grandma’s wringer washer!!!! It was totally coool!!!! But i couldn’t bring it home and my dad got a really good offer and I decided to let him sell it. :th
My grandma used hers all through my own high school years. It didn't even have a drain. She had to scoop it out with a jug. I did help here and there but she was afraid id get my fingers or my long hair caught in the wringer. I much prefer my front loader 🤣🤣

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