⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

Lucky enough Maggie gets along with whatever I tell her is off limits to chase.

Cat.... told her twice to leave him be. Two weeks later, this dang thing is curled up in her armpit with her napping.

Chickens? She's layed out in the sun and the chickens sprinkle her with dust from their baths. I have a video of her chewing on a fresh from the butcher bone. The chicks were darting in and stealing nibbles.

She's a good girl. The cat..... well, he exists because if he did not, the wife wouldn't give me any attention.
That’s so adorable. :love Gator learned to leave everything alone eventually but it took much longer than that 😂🤣🙈 he was a good boy and just wanted to play, not actually hurt anything, but he didn’t get that they didn’t want to play 😂
Mmmm! Delicious vegetables. This picture pleases me.
It also makes be want fresh carrots and cooked potatoes.

Your cat is a really neat color.
He's a snow Bengal. Wife got him from some lady that was having a fire sale of all her soon to be ex husband's dearest belongings.

He's supposed to be a spendy critter.

His name is shithead (shi-theed) we call him Theo for short.
I'd give my eye teeth and a pitcher of cold beer to have what's on that plate.
well since ya probably ain’t gonna come knocking on my door anytime soon, i could be persuaded to share mr muddys recipe 🤣🤣🤣 *hint #1 5c all purpose flour and 1pt of buttermilk*

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