“Visiting” domestic rabbit?!


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5 Years
Dec 14, 2018
The Great Black Swamp, Ohio

I have a Rabbitry and have attracted an escaped(?) domesticated rabbit maybe an English Spot? I want him gone to reduce the disease risk of my buns (whose garden is enclosed).

I’ve tried to grab him and can’t. He’s doing quite well health wise it seems. I suppose a live trap, but then I have to take him to a rescue or something?

Can I get him to just move along? Should I buy a live trap? What should I do?

Here he is driving my boys nutty.
He may be a dumped Easter bunny.
Live trap could work, just be sure to check it regularly. If he'll come close enough, you could try luring him into a kennel or cage and shutting the door behind him.
I'm sure a rescue would take it. Even better if you can find a rabbit specific rescue, they'd probably help you catch it. Theres one in Worthington, though I don't know how close you are or how far out they go.
He may be a dumped Easter bunny.
Live trap could work, just be sure to check it regularly. If he'll come close enough, you could try luring him into a kennel or cage and shutting the door behind him.
I'm sure a rescue would take it. Even better if you can find a rabbit specific rescue, they'd probably help you catch it. Theres one in Worthington, though I don't know how close you are or how far out they go.
Thanks! I’m about 2 hours from Columbus, so that specific one likely won’t work, but I will definitely call around - especially if they’ll help me catch him. That would be great. I’m currently trying the kennel catching approach. I suppose I will live trap next (I’d have to buy one). I’m only slightly avoidant of live trap because DH says I will catch a skunk first and get sprayed haha. I just keep thinking each day that he will move on - but I suppose he’s my problem now and I need to take care of him. It’s been a week.

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