
  1. W

    14-15 week Wyandotte sex?

    hi, I have a 14-15 week old Wyandotte. It started having comb/wattle redness at around 10 weeks and have gotten redder and more pronounced. There are one or two iridescent green feathers coming in the tail area. They don’t look sickle shape to me and I can’t tell if the saddle feathers are round...
  2. WillowMoonWyandottes

    ISO Wyandotte Hatching Eggs!

    I’m looking for Wyandotte chicken hatching eggs including Blue Laced Red, Blue, Silver Laced, Golden Laced, Partridge, Silver Penciled and possibly Lavender. Looking for a breeders who will ship hatching eggs from good quality chickens for a decent price. Please leave pictures of your chickens...
  3. K

    Henrietta clenching her bottom

    Hello, New to the chicken world and lacking in appropriate chicken terminology, so I apologize in advance. We have a very pretty silver laced Wyandotte hen, 22 weeks, and she has been extra loud this week (I thought it was from the heat, high 80s/90s), but then the past few days I saw what...
  4. NYPouletparent

    Our alpha Wyandotte hen has a swollen face, no eggs, and bumblefoot!

    Hello all! Seeking hive mind advice for our silver-laced Wyandotte hen, Pepperpot. We noticed yesterday that the left side of her face is swollen and pale (see first pic). This is a new development that we didn't see last week. Upon further inspection, we also see that she has a case of...
  5. L

    Thought it was a hen.. but... what do you think?

    Her feathers are forming different than our other wyandotte.. maybe she is just developing faster.. she doesn't ACT like a roo at all, but she has me wondering.. she is 12 weeks old. Or he is.. Lacey.. what is a good Male name changeover in case? Lol..
  6. G

    Silver laced Wyandotte

    This is our silver laced Wyandotte. She is 16 weeks old. My daughter loves her and has been in tears daily worrying that it might be a rooster. She is getting tall green tinted feathers in her tail. No talons. Quite a large comb and wattle. Our city code does not allow roosters. What do you all...
  7. Lana416

    Do I have 2 Roosters!? 12 week old Wyandotte & Orpington

    Hello, I am new to backyard chicken farming. We purchased 7 “female” newborn chicks in April (born 4/1/20). They are now about 3 months/12 weeks old, all different breeds. We received an “extra” Wyandotte that is I believe is a rooster. Another one that I purchased, a black Orpington, is also...
  8. Avisius

    Sex these two mixed chicks

    Hi. Can you tell me if these two mixed chicks are cockerels or pullets? The bigger one, with spots on the chest is around six weeks old and kinda looks like a pullet to me, even though in its first three weeks of life it looked like a cockerel. I think it's a mix between light brahma X silver...
  9. PandemicChickens

    Pandemic Chickens

    Hello from downstate Illinois. I am new to chickens. My nieces, daughter, and I picked up day old baby chicks from Farm and Fleet on March 13th, the same day the governor ordered the shut down of the state. The timing was a complete coincidence, I had wanted to get chickens for years. Earlier in...
  10. Henrybelle

    Weird genetics?

    I had gotten some chicks form the feed store about a month ago and the girl wasn’t sure of the breeds they were the last three left. Anyway they almost fully feathered now and I have one that I’m not too sure of the breed I’ve figured out the other two though. One Colombian Wyandotte and a...
  11. L

    New backyard flock

    I am Laylah and I’m in Washington state. I am new to raising chickens. I purchased 6 baby chicks, hatched on April 2nd. 2 silver spangled hamburgs 2 Salmon Faverolle 2 Blue laced red Wyandotte’s I’m really loving these birds... I’m excited fir them to start laying. Thanks for letting me join...
  12. H

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Information

    This is my first time raising Blue Laced Res Wyandottes. I purchased 2 along with other breeds and this breed seems to be feathering rather slowly. Is this normal? I have attached some pictures. I do not see a read comb or wattle at 5 weeks, however their stance and disposition says rooster. I...
  13. Saum Creek

    4-Week Old Wyandotte Sex

    Hi Friends, I picked up some chicks at the farm store and think I might have been sold a rooster. Understandable! I know wyandotte pullet's combs can come in quite pink but this one already has waddles showing up. This one is a 4-week-old silver-laced red. What do you guys think?
  14. Erinrocks

    Flock started staying in the coop during the day

    Hi all, Here’s a brief history on our new little flock: We were given four chicks (Wyandotte, Cochin, Sussex) at the beginning of shelter in place because the person who hatched them wasn’t able to keep them. We are new to chickens but I’ve done a lot of research and were able to raise them...
  15. T

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Breeding Questions

    VERY new to this, so lots to learn still. This hen was sold to me as BLRW but is splash I think? Please correct me if any of this is inaccurate. Then I found a young cockerel up for sale that I hope to breed to her once he's grown. What would be possible color outcomes for these two? Do I need a...
  16. M

    Bantam Wyandotte breeds

    Any idea on what varieties of bantam wyandotte chicks I picked up today?? Hatched on the 3rd.
  17. C

    Help sexing silver laced Wyandottes

    Hi!! I have 2 silver laced Wyandottes that are 7.5 weeks old. They have the same pattern but different coloring. Can you guys please help me determine if they are pullets or cockerel? Also posting a pic of my gold Easter Egger who is also 7.5 weeks. What do you think?? Male or female? Thank you!!!
  18. Cocohens

    Wyandotte & Laying

    Hi 👋 just wondering if anyone can tell me what age Wyandotte’s stop laying at? I took on a 2yr old Hen about a month ago and she is yet to lay... Thanks so much! coco
  19. Elie And Her Flock

    HELP!! what is wrong with my hen?

    A few weeks ago, I had a hen that I noticed was lethargic, hunched over, and not eating much. She hasn't started laying this season (stopped in the winter and hasn't started yet, despite it being warm and sunny every day). She's free range, had no respiratory problems, and as far as I could tell...
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