worms in chicken

  1. CountryWomanFarms

    Chicken with worms

    So a few days ago I noticed one of my chickens seemed a bit off but I chalked it up to it being an unusually hot day. But tonight when I went to close up the coop she was laying on the ground not moving so I checked her out and she couldn’t stand, had some poop stuck to her butt, and felt a bit...
  2. Kyn Garcia

    Worms! Pls help!

    I had a hen die a few days ago, I noticed another wasn’t acting like herself the next day.. started looking around inside the coop and found worms in poop. I went to TS and they gave me some medicated pellets. My baby, I love all my hens, but this one is my baby, she thinks she’s my lap dog, she...
  3. K

    Unsure what’s up with our hen…

    Hey all!! I made a post a little while back about my hen having worms. We treated for worms and she seemed to be getting better!! We did the dose each day for 5 days and then we did one more at the 14 day mark just to make sure we got everything. Worms were never present in poo. Now she is...
  4. Birdgrl1221

    Chickens randomly dying

    Hi everyone, this is my first flock so please take it easy on me. I was raised with game chickens so I am not brand new to the chicken world, but this is the first time I am on my own with a flock. I also raise parrots for a living so I do know a bit about the anatomy of birds and symptoms of...
  5. M

    Is this a worm???

    I cracked an egg this morning and found this inside the white of the egg. Is this a worm? All poops are and have been normal and healthy looking. No sign of worms in their poops at all.
  6. S

    Quick question!

    Hello all, I recently got a chicken that is very active and eats a lot but I saw that she has pooped brown runny poop sometimes and just now she pooped about 3-inch white worms, I'm putting diatomaceous earth in her food. Would this be good enough or should I do more?
  7. J

    Are these worms in my chickens poop?

    Hi, I posted a couple of hours ago. Just need to know if you guys agree that these could be worms, if anyone know what type they could be that would be beneficial as well My dog also plays with the chickens, I’ll be getting some for her as well 😢 on Amazon right now ready to check out some...
  8. S

    Blood/Worms in Poop?

    Hi all, I found a dropping of poop this morning that, although it did not look bloody, it looked either like worms... or a piece of intestinal lining... I am unsure which is why I am posting here. One of our girls has always had watery poop, done a lot to try and fix it. Sometimes it is...
  9. esturtz27

    Worms in chickens

    Not going to lie to you all I'm loosing my mind a little. I was out with my chickens today and noticed some round worms in poop. I know what to there...gotta treat them. My question is do I treat my dogs too? What about me and my 2 year old? I feel insane but I'm just worried. Do I toss all my...
  10. L

    Please help! Worms and impacted crop

    Hello everyone, I am new here as I’ve only had my precious hens for 6 weeks but have found all forums extremely helpful so thanks in advance for any replies! Unfortunately one of my babies (ex battery Rhodey) has impacted/sour crop and worms. After feeling a hard lump that didn’t disappear...
  11. L

    Ongoing Messy Backside - Looking for assistance with diagnosis

    Hi All, I have an 18 month old ameraucana with a health issue I can't seem to figure out. She has had a messy backside now and again but with normal poops from what I can tell. I had given her baths a couple of times when that happened in the past, but about 10 days ago I noticed a change...
  12. K

    Tapeworm Hasn’t Gone Away After Worming

    I noticed small yellow worm-like things in my chicken’s poop probably around a month ago now, only found out it was tapeworm about two weeks ago. When I first noticed these I had already wormed her recently with Aviverm and I tried Aviverm again and it didn’t work. I then got Flubenol 5% and...
  13. H

    Worms in eggs??

    Is this a worm?? I fried eggs and when I plated them I saw this. I cut it in half and it’s rubber feeling. About an inch long.
  14. C

    Help please !!! Overthinker here

    Hello! BACKGROUND - I have a house hen who is free range outsdie and comes to work with us on a regular (I work outside dry stone walling). She just turned up one day from out of the blue. Never found her owner has been with us for nearly a year. She sleeps inside in a dog crate and still...
  15. P

    Deworming chicken routine?

    Hello, I have a healthy flock of 10 chickens that free range for half the day every day, we are located in central Florida where it’s hot and humid. Is a deworming routine necessary? I kept reading that maybe twice a year it should be done but I’m not sure if it’s necessary if I don’t see...
  16. R

    What in God's name is this???

    Yesterday morning, this was waiting for me on my porch steps. It smelled horrific, and had this flat long segment in it. My first thought it tapeworm, but i've not known a chicken to poop out an entire worm??? I've never seen any evidence prior to this- no smaller segments or anything. They...
  17. Countryhippie

    Deworming Chickens

    Hello! I have read so much mixed information about deworming chickens. I am still a beginner to all things chickens, so I hope someone can help answer my questions. A quick background on my chickens: I have four hens that are about 9 months old. My hens have a run in which they stay in most...
  18. E

    What’s going on with this egg?

    Hello everyone! I have a 25 week old Midnight Majestic Maran that laid a very interesting looking egg yesterday. This is the first time getting an egg from her looking like this. Is this a sign of disease/infection or is it her body still figuring out the egg-laying process? She has been laying...
  19. C

    Old log coop, dirt floor, straw attic… mite/lice control?

    Hi all! I’m a long time lurker, and I know there are lots of similar posts but I haven’t seen any that *quite* match my situation. Please bear with me if I give too much information! I recently had a young chick pass away. She’s not the first to die, it happens once in a while, but I’d brought...
  20. A Hot Chick

    What Type of Worms?

    I had a chicken that recently died- while I was doing a post mort I found these worms in her hospital bedding and around her vent. I looked online but couldn’t identify them- do any of you more experienced chicken owners know what type of worms these are and how to protect the rest of my flock?
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