what breed

  1. givengrove

    Mystery Breed?

    I have absolutely no idea what breed she is?! I'm only judging that it's a she... her(?) name is Sassy and she was sold to us in a mystery grab bag. I have tried my ding dang darndest to try and find what breed she is! When she was a chick I thought she was a black austrulorp, then as she got...
  2. Rootie

    What do I have??

    Hey y'all I bought a few chicks ((hens)) during chick days. I have one "hen" that has become aggressive and looks much different than the others. I am not sure if "she" is trying to establish order or is the man of the house. ;) Can hens have long green tail feathers like this one? This "hen" is...
  3. L

    What Breed of Pullet Is This?

    This six month old pullet is really pretty and colorful, but I'm not sure what breed it is. It could be an Ameraucana, I think. It's a bit small compared to the other hens in the run, but is healthy. Thanks for all answers! If the pictures don't show up, I apologize, please tell me. I'm new to...
  4. L

    Anybody Know What Breed This Rooster Is?

    I think this six month old rooster is a mixed breed, but I could be wrong. It looks part Barred Rock to me. Thanks! If the pictures don't show up, I apologize, please tell me. I'm new to posting pictures.
  5. L

    Six Month Old Rooster Breed?

    Hi, this rooster is about six months old, and it's very pretty. Anybody know what breed this could be? Here's several pictures. If they don't show up, I apologize, please tell me. I'm new to posting pictures.
  6. QuailsRCute

    What breed?

    How do you tell the sex? When will she start laying eggs if she's a girl? Also, in the picture that's not his/her cage, she just snuck in.
  7. jctid

    Help with breed please- welsummers?

    I ordered 19 chicks from Dunlap Hatchery. I received 22. They are 3 ½ weeks old in these pics. I can't ID 2 of them. I ordered 2 straight run welsummers. I ordered 1 brown leghorn. 2 EE which I have ID'd by their muffs. Here are the 2 in question: Bottom chick is a brown leghorn...
  8. RiverStorm

    What Breed and Gender is This

    I have 8 bantams chicks that I purchased from TSC and another local feed store. I know what some are but the rest I don`t know. Could you tell me the gender too? chick 1. Grace. I have 1 more just like this one. Chick 2. Dynamite. Chick 3. Dunkin MacDunkin Chick...
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