welsh harlequin breeders

  1. Chipmunk Chicks

    Welsh Harlequin - Metzer vs. Murray McMurray

    We just purchased our first ducklings!!! Thanks for the nudge @Evermore We have three Welsh Harlequin ducks and one drake coming from Metzer's w/o June 27th. However, the more I read on BYC, I have heard mixed reviews about their stock. These may be outdated reviews however, since so many...
  2. NEgoosegirl

    Best Place to Buy Welsh Harlequin Ducklings

    I'm not 100% sure if this is the best place to post this. Sorry if I'm putting it in the wrong spot! I am seriously considering WH ducklings for next spring, and I am looking for some advice. I want ducklings from a good egg-laying strain that also have the potential to be breeding-quality. (My...
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