water and food advice

  1. OvrEazy

    Newbie with lots of questions

    Hi! I have been following this site for quite some time researching and getting LOTS of valuable information to get started on my journey of raising backyard chickens. I love the site and all the great members! I have a family of three and two pets - a dog (sheepadoodle) and cat (bengal). My son...
  2. sanders2778

    rooster was attacked by dogs. how much water should I try to give at a time and how often.

    My rooster was attacked by 2 pits day before yesterday and he is not drinking or eating on his own, he's in the house and on antibiotics. Looks like he was grabbed by the head , one eye is swollen shut. He's pretty beat up. Anyway I don't know how much water to give him at a time and how often...
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