vent prolapse

  1. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help! How do I help bullied hen with possible prolapsed vent?

    So I noticed blood in the coop this afternoon and immediately looked to the poor bullied hen, Beetle. Despite being older than the others by some days, this poor hen landed herself at the bottom the pecking order and is constantly bullied— she used to have feathered feet 😭 Well... turns out...
  2. W

    Coccidiosis and prolapsed vent?

    I have a 4 week old silkie mix chick who has been “off” since I got him. His (her?) butt feathers have become crusted with white poop, and he smells awful. I gave him a bath yesterday and noticed his vent seems to be swollen and halfway prolapsed? It has a “lip” that looks flipped out. It...
  3. A

    Has anyone had problems with cackle hatchery bantam easter eggers vents prolapsing?

    I am looking for chicks to raise this year, and I really love bantam easter eggers. Cackle hatchery seems to have good quality birds, but when I read the reviews for the bantam EE, someone had an unfortunate experience with vent prolapsing. I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience...
  4. NinjaGamer2022

    1.5 year old Coturnix Quail with Vent Prolapse - Help needed

    About an hour or so ago I noticed my sweet 1.5 year old coturnix quail hen had a vent prolapse. It's protruding at least an inch. It looks a lot like a tube. I have been soaking her in warm water for about 20 mins now. I'm not sure what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated. She is showing...
  5. NinjaGamer2022

    EMERGENCY: Hen aspirated liquid vitamin supplement. Hen also has SEVERE vent prolapse, advice greatly appreciated.

    My beloved hen developed vent prolapse 3-4 days ago. At first it wasn't too bad, for the first two days I gave her warm bathes for 10 mins, then I would try and lead her inners back inside her fro 10 mins, then I would put pertroliem jelly all over her vent and inners. For litter I've been using...
  6. NinjaGamer2022

    Hen with vent prolapse, what should I do to help??

    Not in a rude way, but I would prefer to be given advice from someone who has had success in curing this or knows someone who did. I've read many sites telling me what to do then saying their chicken died. Sadly I am unable to take my chicken to a vet at this time, if I was able I would. This...
  7. C

    Baby duck hatched 2 days late and is acting odd

    Hi there, I have mystery eggs that I’ve hatched in incubator. A duck that appears the same as the rest has hatched 2 days late. He has come out with a small red bulge on his bottom, a wing in the air, and odd behavior. He is curling up under the wing that’s in the air and tucking himself. He is...
  8. AnchoredHomestead

    Broody Momma Help

    Is this vent prolapse? How do I take care of this? Do I allow her two babies back under her? Please help!
  9. A

    Vent Prolapse (that corrects itself?) & Involuntary Diarrhea

    One of my hens’ vent was prolapsed a little bit. I separated her from the flock, gave her an epsom salt bath, and manually put things back where they belong. I have been spraying Vetericyn on her vent daily. But when I pick her up, she strains, poops on herself, and her vent prolapses a little...
  10. J

    Vent Gleet and Vent Prolapse (Shell Less Egg Half Inside Half Outside)

    As I was doing my morning chores, i noticed some chickens eating egg off of the floor below where they roost. I went to check it out and saw that it wasn't just egg but also some thing that looked like its intestines it also had worms in it. I went to check it out and look at the chickens who...
  11. CoastChick

    Straining to poop, small prolapsed vent

    One of my (3 week old) chicks seems to struggle with big (painful) poops and currently is slightly prolapsed. I’ve witnessed her having a large poop, and “cheep cheep cheeping” like there’s discomfort, so I’m of the mindset that she’s straining from that, not heat? However I know I read...
  12. ScratchScratchPeck

    Prolapsed & Bleeding Cloaca!

    Hello, I’m at a loss. I noticed today that one of my older leghorn hens was bleeding from her vent (it’s also a bit messy with loose stool). When I grabbed her I noticed she was severely prolapsed. One 30 minute Epsom salt bath later, her vent has gone back in but she’s still dripping blood. Not...
  13. K

    Hen trying to mate with other hen and prolapsing!

    I just watched my hen hump another hen so vigorously that her vent was prolapsed for the next twenty seconds. She stood there upright, dripping out liquid, before she sucked it back up again and continued on her merry way. Is this...... normal? Is a more serious prolapse possible in the future...
  14. lilmillefleur

    help - prolapse - will these work?

    TSC is fairly close by, but I was wondering if we can use any of these things around the house to help out our pullet (profile) right now. She can poop, and it seems to go in and out but we still are worried. - expired Neosporin - saline wound wash spray (gentle, no burning/stinging) -...
  15. L

    Baby chick in pain. Possible prolapse vent.

    Hi. I’ve never had chicks before and we recently got 3 isa browns and 3 Brahma. We purchased them from tractor supply and a few had pasty butt. We clean them daily and all have healed except one. When she poops she chirps in pain.. it’s been a week now and she’s not getting better. It’s almost...
  16. Danger96

    Baby chick vent

    hello, I have a 10 old chick that has lost her vent area feathers and vent seems to be swollen and red. She eats, drinks and poops fine. she seems active and alert like the others. Does anyone know what is going on and how to treat?
  17. G

    (GRAPHIC IMAGE) Help Needed, Family Member's Chicken Had Severe Vent Prolapse

    Hi guys, we need some pretty urgent help regarding a chicken, the local vet wasn't much help as they basically said that the vent needs to go back inside or the chicken put down, but we're really struggling to get it back in. We think the large intestine has also come out of her as we can see...
  18. Silkiechickie13

    Hen’s vent is clogged with white tissue? Please help

    Hello everyone! *graphic images* My silkie hen has a clogged vent yesterday I saw she was just sitting there but did not suspect anything this afternoon her rear feathers were covered in a watery substance and when I picked her up she vomited on me. I thought she was egg bound but further...
  19. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    SEVERE Prolapse - Need support/prevention advice

    Hello, I'm writing this on behalf of my brother, who is very new to raising backyard chickens (he caught the fever from me!). Yesterday, his 6 year old daughter ran into the house with chicken blood all over her, panicking. My brother immediately ran out to find the injured chicken: a young BO...
  20. H

    Swollen vent on duck: not egg bound? Please help

    My laying rescue pekin has a pretty swollen, irritated vent and I haven’t been able to find help anywhere else. She is still laying and acting relatively normal although she’s getting a little bit slower now that we are on day 3 and it isn’t looking any better. I don’t see any discharge & it...
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