upper respiratory infection

  1. Kenz_T2172

    Sneezing Chicken

    Hi everyone! This is my first year with chickens so I’m a little concerned. I have a 4 month old olive egger pullet that has been sneezing for a week now. She sneezes pretty often. Her sneezing is not accompanied by any other symptoms aside from occasionally opening her mouth to breathe for a...
  2. C

    Leghorn wiping irritated eye and shutting it

    Hi. My 6 month old leghorn is showing some irritation in her right eye. I noticed her wiping it in herself (you can see it on her feathers in the pics) and she keeps closing her eyes. There isn’t anything like visibly in there and maybe it’s a little lightly crusty. She’s also shaking her head...
  3. amberc1983

    My CrAzY Life

    Hello everyone! I’m new here so don’t be too hard on me lol. I’m a happily married mother of 5. My oldest kid is 22 and my youngest is 11 so yeah, I’m not sure what quiet or peaceful is. (But I wouldn’t trade it for the world) After my husband lost his job after having covid and pneumonia and no...
  4. M

    Please HELP- Wheezing Chicken

    My hen started wheezing late this morning, I went to TSupply and got VetRX and Rooster Booster. She ate this afternoon but her wheezing is getting worse. She is slightly open mouth breathing now. I have her separated from the flock in my garage with a brooder heater. I’ve rubbed VetRX on her...
  5. L

    Sick 5 week old Barred Rock

    5 week old Barred Rock. Its been 4 days since she was at the bottom of the coop not responding or moving. I picked her up and she was very cold to touch, lethargic looking and having a difficult time standing, holding up her head. I immediately got a heating pad on her and noticed that she was...
  6. A

    Sick girl

    I got 5 chickens from the flock swap a month ago 4 Isa brown and one rir. Everyone has been fine although we are experiencing cold weather right now. I noticed she would be hunched up and thought to myself I need to get her and isolate but when I would get out to the chicken yard all seemed fine...
  7. Spring Fleet Chickens

    Sick, sneezing, wheezing, skinny !!PLEASE HELP!!

    Good morning everyone, I am at a loss right now as to what to do. I have some kind of upper respiratory in my flock. I have no idea where it came from. It starts out as a sneeze, then wheezing, then swollen sinuses and eyes with discharge, a coughing sound, clear-ish discharge from the mouth if...
  8. agold23

    First time chicken owner dealing with upper respiratory infection please help!

    I have a flock of 7 chickens right now, my youngest is 2 weeks old under the care of my 1 year old silkie hen. Yesterday I noticed definite URI symptoms in my silkie rooster. He has a foamy eye, swollen comb and sinuses, head shakes and his breathing is definitely different. He is in the outdoor...
  9. agold23

    Possible URI? First time chicken owner

    I have 20/21 week old easter egger hen who recently developed a swollen eye. I texted the woman I got them from and she said to isolate her (she’s in the 10x10 outdoor cat pen with a wooden crate to sleep in) give her antibiotic eye drops (we will shortly be picking up Visine eye drops) applying...
  10. C

    Bantam hen with respiratory disease, gapeworm or neither?

    I have a very small rosecomb bantam, I don't know her exact age but I estimate it to be around 3-5 years, she's always been low weight and I've never noticed her losing any weight or gaining any either, but she has had some health problems in the past and we had to take her to the vet multiple...
  11. sunflower21

    Indian runner hoarse voice/losing voice

    Hi everybody, I'm turning to you in the hope for some advice/help. At the beginning of January, I noticed that my 7-year-old runner duck Imma couldn't quack as loud as she used to but sounded hoars. A week later she started what I would say is sneezing - so I gave her VetRx. I was worried...
  12. H

    Worms and Respiratory Disease

    Hello all, My vet gave me tri/sulfa (40mg/mL) to treat an upper respiratory infection for my flock. Bacteria were identified as Enterobacter and Galibacterium. I have been treating everyone for 4 days now after one of the healthy ones started to show symptoms after I had quarantined the...
  13. Squeak61

    Serama with URI

    Hi everyone, my serama rooster has an upper respiratory tract infection and I’m not sure what dosage of Tylan 50 would be safe for him. He’s so small that I don’t know if injections would be safe. Would administering it orally be a safer bet? His comb and wattles are a bit purple and he is...
  14. A

    Please help my baby chick is sick

    Hi, I'm new to the chicken world I've not had much time or experience at it but, please can someone help me! I have a sick baby chick, she's about 2weeks old, i actually saved her. some dogs had killed her mother and siblings , she was hidden underneath a bucket when we found her so I don't...
  15. gagirl02

    What more could I have done?

    I purchased a young hen and two pullets from another backyard chicken owner. When I got them home I separated them in another pen from my established flock. They were about 250 feet apart. The day after I got them one of the pullets started sneeting, slinging her head with clear liquid coming...
  16. B

    *HELP* Chicken Won't Leave Coop After Having Upper Respiratory Infection?

    This flock is my first flock ever, I have 4 beautiful EE hens and they're around the age of 5 months old. One of my chickens had trouble breathing, you could hear her breathing it was really bad but we took her to the vet and the vet said that she had an URI, and they gave us medicine to help...
  17. Crazychookchick

    Respiratory Infection, Gapeworm, Egg Peritonitis or Something Else?

    Hi all. I’ve been following for a long time but just recently created an account. I have a 1 year old Salmon Favorelle Hen that is in distress. I’ve read through more threads than I can count and I’m seeking advice/diagnosis. She first began showing symptoms a week ago I’ve had her in the house...
  18. Crazy Chicken Chick

    Chick eye infection??

    I need to know how to help this poor little silver laced wyandotte. What started as a crusted, weepy eye now looks pretty terrible and has traveled to the other eye. I have two questions: 1.How can I treat this and 2. Will it effect my other chicks? The other chicks have started to peck at her...
  19. A

    Another Newbie

    Hello everybody. Trying to get some help with my families chickens.
  20. ChickenLover5912


    Gapeworm or Upoer respiratory? Gasping, crackling breathing, pale droopy comb, droopy tail but has seemed to kindve perk up a little, feathers seemed to have been stripped but could be unrelated, eats a little but mainly plays with it. Got her a week ago first thing I did was give her ivermectin...
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