
  1. Little Tala Bug

    Powder for lice in the UK

    Hi BYC! I want to post a recommendation for a pest powder that I recently used for a lice infestations and was very happy with. https://www.flytesofancy.co.uk/products/battles-poultry-red-mite-powder-500g Since permethrin isn't approved for use directly on birds here in the UK, I tried this...
  2. Little Tala Bug

    Little Tala Bug

  3. connieconnie

    Looking for Croad Langshan hatching eggs UK?

    Hi, I've been researching and found out about a beautiful breed; Croad Langshan! :love They apparently have gorgeous personalities, interesting plum or lilac hued eggs and black with green sheen feathering! However, It turns out they're a pretty rare breed. I've been looking online and only...
  4. DecT


  5. L

    Tylan needed can't afford vet cost UK

    So I live in the UK, 1-2 of my adopted hens has respiratory problems and it sounds like an infection, I need Tylan for them but I can't get a prescription as the vets locally are asking for a lot ( cheapest was £50 consoltation only),I am on low income and the hens are to help distract my father...
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