
  1. Ozarkhomesteader

    Anyone else have LGDs?? I am in serious need of advice!!

    There is not much on here about livestock guardian dogs, but I figure some people have them, so here goes! Literally any advice is appreciated. THE BACKSTORY: ok, so I've wanted and LGD for years and years. Was never ready, but have been researching them for years. I've read every article I...
  2. Deathlok


    All right, we are still about roughly 4 months out till our ducks and chickens will start producing. We have Silver Appleyard Ducks, Red Star, and Bielfelder. The chickens seem to be making little nest where they lay in the coop. I'm wondering if they're practicing OR they are actually closer to...
  3. B

    Handling/training game-mix cockerels

    I'm not sure if this thread would be better in the chicken behavior section. I'm wondering how I should be interacting with some cockerels that I might end up selling to someone interested in gaming with them. If one or both of them ends up playing nicely with the girls I might keep him/them...
  4. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Why doesn’t my serama stand like one?

    Is there some kind of training I need to do in order for them to puff out their chest? I have males and females, Class B and A. I was briefly told about some kind of training with a stick to their chest. I can’t find any English videos on YouTube about it, so I was hoping someone here could help.
  5. Missy020219

    My 1 year old St. Bernard is killing my chickens

    I just recently bought myself a male St. Bernard and he just turned 1. I have 3 other dogs, which did have a chicken killing spree a few years ago, but now have learnt that they are not food. I was hoping that my eldest well mannered dog would teach my new dog how he should be, but I guess she...
  6. wolf-deer88

    Can you train a parakeet not to say specific words?

    Okay, I seriously want a parakeet, but some of my family (including myself) can a bit of bad mouth sometimes. What happens if it hears the F-word and goes around saying it all the time? Can you train it to not say it? Somebody would be liable to kill it after awhile. Sometimes, me and my...
  7. C

    How to catch "wild" roosters

    We have 3 adult roosters that we took in. They were never handled much by humans and are skittish. We built a coop for them and they will NOT go in. We have tried everything (used treats, food, pool skimmer, made a run outside of the coop to trap them, etc). They run away before we can catch...
  8. G

    Dog chasing animals

    How do I train my German shepherd to stop freaking out every 5 minutes on my farm animals? I have 3 breeds of quail, doves, hens, rabbits, fish and more to come soon! They're all safe from being attacked but he freaks them out chasing them around their pens (except the fish he's scared of water)...
  9. L

    Training chickens to go inside their house to roost?

    We have a shed for our chickens to sleep in with lots of roosting bars and then they have their outside run. 4 out of 8 of the chickens aren’t taking themselves inside to roost once the sun falls. Tonight I went down to shut them in and we very narrowly missed the fox getting inside our coop...
  10. Margaretlumley01

    Training a donkey 🤬

    Hey all, I am trying to train my donkey. The goal is for him to stand for a farrier and flow me on a lead, plus not being scared of the gate/driveway. Lately I have been working on leading and I am using a lunge whip to tap the ground or swing around his back legs when he doesn’t respond to me...
  11. WallyBirdie

    Conure Training

    My conure had a dreadful fear of hands for the longest time. During that time, I managed to teach him to step-up onto my arm (but only of I had a sleeve and my hand was not directly visible). I've had him roughly 8 months and that fear seemingly vanished on its own. One day, he flew onto the...
  12. ChickenMasta1105

    How to train my 7 week olds

    Hello! I want to know how to make my approximately 7 week old chickens love to sit on my arm. Can anyone please tell me a quick and easy way to make them love to sit on my arm? Please also tell me if my chickens can be potty-trained, if I try. And while you are there, please tell me other tricks...
  13. Rainorshine

    Dogs and chickens?

    Hello! So I have a question over how I can train a puppy to be friendly towards chickens? We have a 4 month old puppy which we brought home at 6 weeks old. When we first got him we hoped that by introducing him to the chickens and familiarising him with them we could get him to not view them as...
  14. MountainUp1

    Handling 'wild' but tame peahen

    We have flock of twenty-some chickens. About five months ago, a lone peahen arrived from 'nowhere' and began free ranging with our chickens. She's never left us. She is so beautiful. We named her Lucy. We'll be hatching some new peahens from purchased fertile eggs next spring, and building a...
  15. D

    ducklings getting scared?

    Hello everyone, I am a brand new duck parent, 4 of my ducklings have hatched over the last two days, and 6 more are on the way. It was a staggered hatch so I'm not too worried about the other eggs. I am really excited about having ducks, and more than anything I want them to be comfortable...

    Handling Hens

    My hens are about 17 weeks old. my issue is this, I never trained them to be handled. They come to me whenever they see me, as they know I will have some tasty treats. I know I have to check them regularly for health issues, but not sure how to get them used to being handled. Did I ‘miss my...
  17. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Our Dog Killed the Neighbors' Turkey Poult

    **I'm not sure what I'm looking for when writing this post. Maybe to just be able to get this off my chest or to see if others have had shared experiences. Maybe an attempt at catharsis. Any thoughts our personal insights are much appreciated. We are having a hard time with this.** BACKGROUND...
  18. qopt

    Baby Chicks Fear Me

    Okay, I am not sure if I am posting this in the right spot because I am new to the site. Bare with me! I just got my first ever chickens, 5 Barnevelder Chicks! It's been 5 days since I have gotten them, I got them from a local farm store. I am assuming the farm store got them around the...
  19. S

    How Old is Too Old to Train a Chicken?

    Hi all, I'm looking to get my first few chicks soon, but I would like to train them (e.g., to respond to their names, to learn the word for "Treats," to be as friendly as possible with humans, etc.). I know it's best to start from the time they are only a couple days old, but I would like to...
  20. WallyBirdie

    Budgie Eating from Hand

    I know that it is a sign of trust for a budgie to eat from your hand. Mine are not yet comfortable with being hand-fed. They will not eat food that I am holding. But if I put the food down there is no hesitation for them to approach and eat. They step up on my hand without food or millet- and...
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