
  1. A

    Howdy, new here

    Hi all, I am new here to BYC, and have a couple of flocks after decades of time away from having poultry. My breeds are mostly Brahmas, one or two green egg layers and assorted other breeds that I’m not sure what they are since I bought them from Spanish speaking owners in a foreign country and...
  2. B

    Two brooders into one tractor?

    This is our second time doing meat chickens (Cornish X) & we started an experiment with two brooders - one with a traditional heat lamp & one with a plate style brooder heater. So far they are all looking great with the traditional heat lamp ones slightly bigger. My question is in a couple weeks...
  3. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Is there any hope for me raising spring meat birds in a yard that often floods?

    Hey all. So I raised my first Cornish X last fall and it went well, as some of you may have seen from the thread I had going. Well now our chicken supply in the freezer is dwindling and I am dreading having to buy grocery store chicken now that I'm spoiled with home grown meat. Only problem...
  4. E

    Help me refurb this tank of a coop!

    We were given this BEAST of a coop by a friend. It hasn’t been used in a couple years, and even as a first time chicken owner I know it needs gutted/redone. The entire thing is constructed of 2x4s and metal sheeting. It is solid and completely predator proof, plus it’s on wheels! Total...
  5. chickINNcooptractor

    Custom coop challenge; 100% reused materials As Spring comes We have officially reached our 60th order! To celebrate I decided to try my first custom order for a costumer who had one, very dramatic hen. I truly believe it could be the reincarnation of...
  6. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Permanent Coop vs Tractor

    Hello all, I’m at a loss on what type of coop we should build our flock. We currently have 27 chicks where 1/4-1/2 might me cockerels that’s currently TBD. The breeds of chickens we have are California Tan (6), Rhode Island Red (9), Sapphire Gem (9) and Wyandotte (3). The Cali Tan and Wyandotte...
  7. K

    Repurposed box spring secondary coop

    Just wanted to share a money saving idea. Lumber prices are nuts right now! I wanted to build a small secondary coop for an outdoor brooder when our new chicks get a little older. This way they can be inside our larger run and near the big hens. We have 4 chicks, so this small size will be just...
  8. chickenchicklady

    Please help! Sick meatbirds

    Hello! I have a flock of 25 meatbirds. I posted the other day asking if my chickens is coccidiosis with no response, they’re showing new symptoms and what I thought was bloody stool, wasn’t. So I’m ruling out coccidiosis. Their new symptoms are sneezing and wheezing. They all seem to be eating...
  9. chickenchicklady

    Treats for meatbirds

    Is it advised against to give meat birds treats? Specifically oatmeal? It’s a cold day today, and I just moved my 4 week olds to the tractor yesterday. I can tell they’re a bit chilly, I was thinking maybe I’d give them warm bowl of oatmeal to warm them up.
  10. chickenchicklady

    Meat bird tractor

    Hello! We are building a meat bird tractor! We have it doneC other than predator proofing.. we aren’t sure how to go about that! Any suggestions?
  11. chickenchicklady

    Raising meat birds outside

    At what point can I move my chicks from their brooder to their chicken tractor? They’re a week old right now. Out temperatures are 30s-50s at night and 70-80s in the day. They’re out growing their brooder faster than I had expected.
  12. Dylan Lambert

    Meat bird chicken tractor

    This is my first time raising chickens for meat. I have had plenty egg layers and have a pretty general knowledge about chickens. Just looking for any suggestions or things that i could change or make better on my chicken tractor. Pen dimensions are 10ftx10ftx2ft tall and i plan to raise 50...
  13. WallyBirdie

    Looking for tractor

    My tractor is shot. Need one at an affordable price. Looking for compact tractor or large garden tractor or zero-turn riding mower. Large acreage, need something soon. Will pick up in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
  14. sLOWdJonny9

    6 Mile Chicken Tractor Build

    Hello to all at BYC, As mentioned in my intro, my name is Jon and I live in the foothills of East TN. 8 weeks ago we got 3 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Black Jersey Giants. During these past 8 weeks, I built the chicken tractor pictured below. Its definitely far from perfect and I'd do a few...
  15. munchkinlover

    Chicken Dorm Mother

    Hi ya'll. Glad to find this site!!! I am a first time mother of 13 wonderful birds. They consist of 2 Silver Wyandotte, 3 Black Australorp, 3 Easter Eggers & 5 Golden Wyandotte. We didn't get exactly what we ordered and ended up with 3 roosters, but they really get along fine (at least for now)...
  16. FloridanaFarms

    Chicken Tractor Trailer For Sale

    Hello! We are selling a Florida Coop chicken tractor trailer my husband designed and built. He built this coop on top of a pop up camper trailer frame. We built one before that we currently use with our own flock. Since my husband has a lot of free time over the Winter, he decided to build one...
  17. F

    Sharing My Coop, Run & Movable Fence Set-Up

    We spent the morning putting up the fence for the ladies (Lavender, Peregrine, Coco, and Coco. No, I didn’t name the chickens). It’s a cool, movable fence that we got from a company called Omlet (if you’re interested, just Google “Omlet movable fence” for more info). We’ve had the fence for...
  18. The Dangers of a Tractor-style Coop

    The Dangers of a Tractor-style Coop

    This was my flock before yesterday. Now I've got three dead chickens and two injured. If it had been predators, I could understand. If it had been my own mistake, I'd be upset but it would make sense. No, my chickens were killed by something simple and that we never saw coming. My...
  19. seaduds

    Coop plus tractor with laying boxes?

    Hello! I'm planning to purchase 6-8 chicks in the next month or so and have questions about my potential home for them. A friend of mine has an unused coop kit that he's gifting me in exchange for eggs in the future, which is convenient. I'd love to let the chickens free-range (as the previous...
  20. Katonk

    Hybrid coop: tractor with deep Deep litter,

    Hey all, so I've been unsuccessful in finding a whole lot of discussion besides just disjointed musings on someone combining a tractor with deep litter. Important points and needs: :loveI like the chicksaw 2.0 design by Justin Rhodes but it's pretty easily torn up by all the fun wildlife out...
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