tractor supply

  1. D

    We live on a river. I have a wild mallard/ her 4 babies that eat our chicken feed every other day

    We decided to buy 2 ducklings from Tractor Supply this week, on 7/27/18. I have them in a small kiddy pool in the tiny house we live in with 10 rescue cats and a German Shepherd in the next room in a plastic enclosed porch. The cats are not allowed out of course! We have no idea what age or...
  2. oak_abode

    First Lesson Learned: Chicken People Are Awesome

    Not sure if this is allowed or not, but just wanted to say that my husband & I are brand-stinkin new to chickens (Our Instagram is @oak_abode), and this community is AWESOME. So cool to see people helping each other out in caring for these little feathered souls. Really makes it all seem more...
  3. B

    Mystery Tractor Supply Chicks, What Breed are They?

    I got three chicks from the mixed bantam chicks from Tractor Supply yesterday, and I'm curious if anyone can tell what breed they might be even though they are young. This is a lavender chick but I can't tell the breed. I have no idea what color or breed this chick is. I know this...
  4. HarmonyFox

    Chick breeds?

    I got new mystery chicks because I'm crazy. I would to love peoples opinions about what breeds they are! They are absolutely adorable and I couldn't resist :love This one was in the assorted Tetra tub and was one of the only two with poof faces. I'm pretty positive it's not a tetra. This one...
  5. Sutherlandfarms

    TSC minimum purchase

    UPDATE: called the CS hotline and they are audited by the state ag department so even if I showed them my receipt of having purchased on Monday, the store would get dinged for selling one lone bird even if it’s to someone who has purchased already. I’m going to make a call to the state...
  6. Clucking_Caramel

    Tractor Supply Co. Horror Story

    I have been holding this in for a while. In April 2017, I bought my first peeps! Before so, I called and asked "Can you tell hens from roosters?" The man on the phone happily said he could. Upon arrival, I asked for six rhode island reds, one silkie, and two araucanas. I asked for all girls. The...
  7. Bollmash

    A Case of Pasty Butt

    So out of my new chicks I got from TSC, one has pasty butt. I cleared the poop out from her vent and got it out of her down, but I’m still worried about her. She keeps picking at her butt and so do the other chicks. I did just see her poop for the first time since clearing it up though! That’s...
  8. CannedMonster

    They Got Me!!

    I went to Tractor Supply today. I shouldn't have, because...they had Turkens! :celebrate Chicken math got me! I now have 6 Turken chicks (all different colors/patterns) and 2 free bantams. My husband is out of town right now :oops: But I couldn't resist them :wee Somebody help me! Who will take...
  9. Crystalbird

    Identifying Bantam Chicks

    This is my first time posting so I hope my picture links work. I brought these littles home from the mixed bantam bin at our local Tractor Supply. I can't wait to see what they look like fully grown. Does anyone have an idea of what breeds I got? #1 is the only feather foot, but no fifth toe...
  10. M

    Really young bantam chick falling on back

    I just picked up 14 chicks from tractor supply two days ago. I didn't notice until I got home a small bantam chick was wobbly. The chick wouldn't eat or walk at first or with others. I took her out and gave her one on one attention and she began running, eating, and drinking water. She acts...
  11. jojoma283

    Tractor Supply Online Ordering??

    Maybe I'm just blind and have never noticed but I've been getting tons of ads on FB for Tractor Supply's online chick ordering. Has anyone done this before? If we've bought them in the stores, I always know it's a risk that I might be getting anything since they don't usually know what is going...
  12. Meyrlbird

    TSC Clearance chicks

    Just curious if there's anyone who works at Tractor Supply or if anyone knows of there is any rhyme or reason for when they clearance out their chicks.. not like they're not worth 3.00 a piece BUT it would be nice to get another 6 for 1.00 a piece.....
  13. Heidiliz

    Leghorn "Pullet" -- or not??

    So I have 9 chicks from Tractor Supply that are almost 4 weeks old. I bought 3 Leghorn "pullets," but one of them is really making me suspicious! Its comb is significantly larger than the other two. Its tail feathers are shorter. So far, it's the only chick that I have watched jump on top of...
  14. Sierra Hughes

    What breed and is it a pullet or Rooster?

    Hey guys, this gentle giant is about 2 months old. The biggest out of all her brothers and sisters, got it out the straight run bin at Tractor Supply. Any idea what breed or gender?
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