
  1. P

    Swollen ears, eye bubbles, red face - in autumn

    Hello everyone - We have 5 Orpingtons 2.5 years old. I'm in New Zealand so molting season is halfway done. We had so much sickness in the flock over summer I was glad everyone seemed to be doing okay ish. Our girl Serena had a day or two of sour crop (others had surgery and months worth)...
  2. B

    Female button quail weird eye shape and swollen head?

    I noticed today that one of my females that has become one of my males favourite to mate with had a swollen looking head that seems to be pulling her eyelids up. I felt it and it is hard, not fluid filled like an abscess. Anyone know if she will be alright?
  3. G

    EYP hen (pictures) (please help!)

    This is her belly. It’s only swollen in her rear area (the noticable swelling starts in the space right between her keel and vent) It isn’t red. It is firm but not completely hard. The vet said it’s not fluid, so it’s not ascites. Her comb is bright red and her crop empties like normal. I saw...
  4. 1

    Rooster Cheek Swollen - Possible Illness

    We have a really old rooster of about 9 to 10 years of age. Yesterday afternoon we noticed his right cheek had become swollen, and he had mucus or other discharge on his beak. At the time someone suggested he may have just been stung by something and he would recover, but it's been over 24 hours...
  5. FathertoFeathers

    Turkey with swollen face

    Yesterday when I was working in the yard I noticed one of my bronze turkey hens face was swollen. About a month or two ago all my birds caught some respiratory infection which I treated with some amoxicillin I had on hand. After about 10 days on it and some tlc everyone was feeling and looking...
  6. sparklez

    Is this water belly? Strange bald swollen abdomen and crop in young hen

    I have a 10 month old hen who as far as I can tell is acting normal and comfortable (tail up, color in comb, eating, walking, trotting with the flock when let to free range) over the last 5 or so days I noticed poop building up on her so today after she free ranged for almost 3 hours I soaked...
  7. K

    Swollen eye, lower eyelid drooping

    Hi everyone, I got this new pure bred Silkie pullet (5 months old) yesterday and have since noticed it has swelling around the lower part of the eye and eyelid dropping, in both eyes, and maybe a bit of clear discharge but nothing noticeable that I have picked up, she also closes her eyes...
  8. J

    Swollen area around eyes - HELP (PICTURE)

    Hi there, Today I just noticed that one of my hens has a swollen area around each eye. I can't really find what it is on the internet and was wondering what to do, as it doesn't look great to me... She is around 5 months old. My other chickens appear to be fine, except that my rooster...
  9. M

    Swollen/ Discolored Wattles

    Hi all, I am a newer chicken owner and have a small backyard flock, this morning I woke up to find that one of my perfectly healthy Andalusians had extremely swollen wattles that have become discolored and more and more swollen throughout the day. The only symptom I keep seeing this in is...
  10. bbycarrot

    Swollen wattle

    Hi there! I recently discovered one of our hens has a swollen wattle, or to be more specific the location in between her wattles. It wasn’t like this in the morning. She is acting normal and it doesn’t seem to impact her breathing. She’s not fiddling with it and it doesn’t feel like it’s full of...
  11. c_soto1990

    Eye problem

    It’s so going on two weeks now my hand has had an issue with her eye. I started off by doing warm compresses and applying vet RX under her wings, head and mouth. Shortly after I started giving her terramycin ointment. so fast forward I decided to do a bit more investigating and found this white...
  12. S

    Help Hens face is swollen

    I don't know if this happened at night or while I just wasn't looking but one of my hens face is swollen on one side. She as far as I am able to tell has eaten and drank normally I've still have to see her poops. It does look like she is gasping but so are my other hens in this heat. She's...
  13. T

    Quail swollen eye and top of head

    Hi, I have a quail who has a swollen eye and top of head maybe. See attached pictures. It is just on one side. Haven't had much time to watch her as I was gone for a few days for work travel. So far she seems to be acting fine, not sluggish, not breathing through mouth all the time, haven't seen...
  14. chickenhawaii

    Healing bumblefoot?? Help

    My girls bumblefoot (i think?) has progressively gotten worse over the last few weeks. Trying to treat it but i see no improvement and don’t see how to heal the infection. I don’t have much access to a vet due to living on an island and would like to avoid that if possible. She has been limping...
  15. tingupinguu

    Swollen Vent

    I was taking my duck out of the coop and i noticed that she has a big swollen red vent. It seems to hurt too since she does little screams, What can i do about this? How can i help her?
  16. M

    Mystery injury

    I have a little barred rock rooster who is on the small side and is around over 3 months old now I think. He started limping one day and it seemed to come and go, then I noticed him making a pain noise while drinking water so I checked his crop and he seemed to have sour crop. I massaged his...
  17. FathertoFeathers

    Muscovy hen with pronounced limp

    Yesterday I came home from a 4 day trip and found my Muscovy hen under the shed with a clutch of eggs. She was too far underneath the shed for me to get her so I let her be. This morning when I went to go feed the birds I noticed she was limping quite badly. So I picked her up and immediately...
  18. G

    Help! Appleyard duck with very swollen/infected toe

    Hi! I need some help. My appleyard duck got a small cut on her foot a few weeks ago. I cleaned it, used hydrogen peroxide a few days in a row and kept an eye on it. It had seemed to fully heal well, but a few days later i looked and it had swollen again. There is no scab or opening to the...
  19. Alpine Swift

    Newly hatched chick with swollen feet?

    He recently hatched (I'd say he's a hour or so old.) and seems active besides the swollen legs and feet. Both feet are swollen, with red sores. He's the first in this batch with this issue. His upper joints are red as well. I can take more photos if needed.
  20. Chrifister

    Gander prolapsed something?

    Hello again. Our gander is nearly 2 years old and has 2 almost 1 year old geese for girlfriends. One is smaller and he must favor her because she is missing a lot of feathers on her head. The other is a bit larger and he seems to have trouble finishing the deed with her just because of the size...
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