swollen leg

  1. N

    Hen with Injured Leg

    Hi all, We have a hen that has received some kind of injury. We noticed her not coming out of the coop in the mornings with the others. This is common, as one often stays inside and lays an egg before coming out. However the same one wasn't coming out, so we checked on her to see that she seems...
  2. maarijke

    Bruised leg and/or possible mites?

    Hen born 2.22.22 Lives in a completely enclosed Colorado coop and run. Never had any issues like this purple bleu leg before on any girl. Two separate runs w one fence line between 20 hens on each side. This girl’s side HAS a roo. She may have bumble foot spots which I treated tonight w a spa...
  3. so_fancy_af

    Single swollen leg (lower shank), head shaking, pale comb

    My speckled Sussex Beebee has been looking worse and worse. Her comb has been pale for a while, but she's been molting. Now, though, one of her legs is swollen and she has that sick, hunched over look. She's starting to shake her head every few seconds when she's standing still, and every now...
  4. HomesteadLiving1

    Sick Turkey Poult

    Sorry, this is a long post. I have a 8 week old turkey poult who has had a variety of symptoms for a while now and we cannot figure out what is wrong with it. At about 4 weeks I noticed that this particular poult was presenting with blackness on the beak by the nose and a few days later on the...
  5. CloneFly

    Swollen Joint- Adult Male Quail

    I have a 1yr old male coturnix quail that l lost one of his toes a few months back due to an infection. I recently noticed him laying down more and limping when walking and after a little searching, found his left elbow severely swollen. I read on a seperate thread that it could be...
  6. Basil Falafel

    Chick with curled toes and swollen hip

    My 4 week old brahma has had an injured foot since we got her at a few weeks ago, it seems like she can't really move her toes but she's been walking on it pretty normally until a few days ago. Now shes been keeping it curled up and has been walking on her toes and she has a hard swollen purple...
  7. E

    red swollen leg ?!?

    help, one of our chicks got caught in between the incubator sections and her leg is red and swollen, it looks really bad and we don’t know what to do, we can’t put a splint on it like we have in the past as it is closer to the body
  8. J

    Swollen chicken leg

    Hi I have a 6 month old black copper maran who about a month ago started limping with a swollen leg overnight. I checked and there does not appear to be any bumble foot issues going on so I assumed she had strained/ broken it at first and splinted her leg. It then seemed to get a bit worse and...
  9. TundraFang

    Duck Limping

    So this morning I let my flock out of the coop to free range and my Dalmatian duck, Pongo, was huddled in the corner. When I moved towards her she ran out limping. I caught her and her foot looks fine. No signs of bumble foot or any other injury. The leg is a bit swollen and compared to the...
  10. heatherschiefer

    Could scaly leg mites be causing this "infection" at / above rooster's hocks?

    I have a beautiful brahma / rhode island rooster who is about three years old. We noticed him kicking his right leg out behind him a lot. Almost like he was being irritated by something. I had recently moved him into a new run while I added new hens so I thought maybe he was just being sassy...
  11. C


    I have visited my parents and I have noticed that one of their chickens has a swollen leg. They said they noticed it last week and have added apple cider vinegar to the water and also treated the whole leg with betadine. She is eating her laying pellets and vegetables, drinking and pooping...
  12. R3M1X

    Reposting from different forum: chick with swollen foot!

    Help I dont know what to do
  13. Maggpiefarms

    Weird leg swelling... any ideas

    Hi everyone. I am new to this blog but have been actively following you for all type of help since I first got my mixed flock back in the beginning of May and have found you all so knowledgeable that I knew this is where I needed to get some extra help!! So here is the long story. Sorry for all...
  14. MissKittyKat

    Swollen leg on Rooster

    I have a young rooster, who is maybe 4 months old, who has a swollen leg. It looks like it is the joint part where the leg starts that is swollen. He was getting beat up by the ladies so he is currently separated. His foot is not swollen and I don’t see any scabs or cuts on his leg that would...
  15. GoldenPeep

    swollen leg, loss of balance, breathing issues, odd behavior, etc

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Buff Brahma, almost 7, don't know weight, seems a little lighter 2) What is the behavior, exactly. (Also symptoms and other possible factors) -One leg swollen -Recovering from scaly leg...
  16. S

    Leg scale mites

    i wa looking at a thread from 2014 regarding leg scale mites. I believe, and thank you for the excellent photos from Bahana ( I’ll recheck the members name fter I post), that my Roo has same affliction. I wonder the outcome of your treatments? Beginning of winter now, nervous about how I cannot...
  17. sable43140

    Baby chick with a swollen hip?

    Hi all! This is a very strange problem for me, but so far I haven't been able to find any online help for it so I figured I'd ask my fellow chicken lovers. I have a 2 week old lavender orpington (we are 90% sure it's a roo based on wing sexing) that seems to have a very swollen hip. It's whole...
  18. lrwesso

    Swollen leg

    my duck has one swollen leg. No scab on the bottom of the foot so I don’t think it’s Bumblefoot. He has black spots in his leg. Anyone have an idea?
  19. P

    Swollen Leg in 4 year old Brahma Rooster

    Several days ago, I noticed our Rooster was laying down, and when up, limping. Upon inspection, his right front leg was extremely swollen (no obvious injury, bumblefoot, etc) I took him to my vet (who does not have a lot of chicken experience) and was Rx'ed Amoxi and Meticam (for pain) I have...
  20. MichelleMC

    Giving an injection to 2 yo male pekin: swollen leg

    Hello, I have a 2 year old male pekin who has had a swollen, hot leg for several months, on and off. For the last few weeks it has been persistent and getting worse. We have taken him to the vet 3x now over the past year, and though the vet tries to help he is not really a specialist in poultry...
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