spraddle leg

  1. C

    Spraddle leg / splayed leg? 3 day old chick can't fully stand up and it leans on one side.

    3-4 day old chick can't fully stand up. It hobbles around pushing off of one leg and kinda lays on its side when its not moving. Its able to sit its self up and drink. It chirps a lot like its in distress. We tied its legs assuming its spraddle/splayed because we don't know what else it could...
  2. H

    Spraddle leg or mareks

    First time bird owner….so go easy on me. I’m nervous and want to do the right thing. I’ve got two 5 week old bresse that are not doing well. all was fine over the weekend. Last night I found chick #1 sitting alone and not joining in the feeding frenzy when I refilled the food/water. When I...
  3. Q

    Quail chick hip dysplasia?

    Hey I need advice asap. I have a chick who I think is about 7 maybe 8 days old. Hatched with no issues or health concerns. Long story short I discovered it had curled toes so I taped them and went to bed and in the morning I found him laying on his stomach with his leg stretched out backwards. I...
  4. P

    Pheasant with twisted leg. Please help! Last attempt to save him.

    Hi, I’ve got a pheasant chick who I thought had spraddle leg, he was hobbled for 4 days and then was able to walk. I noticed when he was about 2 weeks he was twisting in the body over to one side and since then his leg has deteriorated badly. He’s now nearly 4 weeks and his leg sticks out at an...
  5. M

    Splayed leg???

    Hi! I have 3 day old chicks. Right away I noticed my black silkie wasn’t putting much wight on her right leg, even keeping it a tad stretched out. Could this be a minor case of splayed leg? I have been trying to treat using vet tape wrapped around legs but still looks the same when we take it...
  6. Pecky123

    Sprayed legs

    I have a newborn baby chick that got a sprayed legs. It can't walk just hopping like a bunny. Then, I have read online that it can fixed with putting the bandage. It's quite difficult to put the bandage on the feet and I don't know whether I'm doing it right. Can anybody take a look.
  7. Cloverr39

    What causes these problems in newly hatched chicks?

    Almost every time I hatch chiks I get at least one with splayed legs, bent toes, sideways feet, etc. I've heard they can be caused by the incubation process. I mean splayed legs would be after the chick hatches and slips. I'm aware that for example bent toes can also be genetic or caused by...
  8. Keliana


    The chick seems to have a dislocated hip, her thigh seem to be sticking out at the side. Can anyone tell me what to do
  9. -Shade-

    HELP. Maran chick with developed issues.

    So just yesterday I posted a thread about a Maran egg I was worried about hatching. I woke up this morning and it was out of the egg. But there are several problems that have arisen with that newly hatched. My first observation was that even after she (I don't actually know if it is a she but I...
  10. Phanata

    My pet quail hurt her leg walking back into her box

    Now my dad thinks she sprained it but we aren’t really sure, her left leg isn’t responding but it looks the same, it doesn’t seem to hurt much since she can move around now just not very effectively, she still eats her food and water and has gone into her sand box, we don’t think it’s broken it...
  11. B

    Splay leg

    Hello. It’s my first time raising chicks. One of them developed splay leg but by the time I realized it she was already very weak from not eating enough. I hand fed her for couple days until she regained some strength and put a splint on her but she is still not walking very much. She can stand...
  12. jcon1123

    Can you return a chick to its mother after seperating it for two days?

    My hen just brooded a clutch of ten, and one of them has sprayed legs. I've made the braces and all but I'm wondering if the mother would reject her after two days of being separated once the chick has its legs corrected. anybody have experience with re-introducing separated chicks to their...
  13. M

    New Rescue Chick: Leg Issues - Not what i thought!

    Yesterday, I took little road trip to pick up the little cross sweetie attached. I was originally told that she had, and had been getting treated for spraddle leg. I got a few grainy pictures (which I now get, having had to try and get a picture of her) and thought it looked more like slipped...
  14. J

    Help! Leg malformation on newly hatched chick 🐣

    Does anyone know what’s the matter with this sweet little one? 😢 He is a fighter with so much strength but he cannot use his legs properly and flails them around unable to walk. Initially I thought it was spraddle leg but now I’m thinking it could be something else. Any tips/suggestions please...
  15. Ivyrae

    1 wk Runt Silkie Chick - suspected spraddle leg/curly toes. could be neuro??

    hi there. I have read many helpful threads on here regarding chicks with spraddle leg and curly toes. along with hip issues and tendons slipped etc. I cannot figure out which issue this particular chick has, but have attempted most suggested treatments for all things. the story is - This...
  16. F

    Are my duklings feet okay?

    my fiance and I bought these ducklings from tractor supply yesterday and I'm worried that they night have sprawled feet or a niacin deficiency. There legs sprawl out behind them sometimes and they sit on then curled up quite a bit. I know online it says to put bedding or a towel under them to...
  17. S

    Chick with splayed legs and maybe a slipped tendon. Not getting better

    Hey all. Thanks in advance for having a read and helping. Chick hatched on Monday and had a really tough hatch. Was a bit of blood etc. But came out with leg issues and unable to stand. Did lots of research and scoured the forums here as well to start treating it. Gave it a sandle for its...
  18. Joannaz

    Help!! Spraddle leg??

    Hey! I had a black rosecomb chick hatch in the incubator a few days ago but realised she has spraddle leg. I tried to use the elastic band trick but she’s so tiny it didn’t really work. Vet tape kept falling off so I used micropore tape in the end. However, she’s still not putting any...
  19. B

    Does my chick have Spraddle legs??

    She’s a day and some time old. I’m new to all this and can’t tell if she’s Spraddled. I know she has curly toes but what do you think?? If so what should I do. She can’t stand on her feet. And walks around like that. (Third picture)
  20. Chickens are really cute

    Baby chick with a hole in her stomach?

    We recently got a few Ameraucana chicks (currently around 4 days old.) We noticed how of these chicks was reluctant to move and stood away from the group. We brought her inside and discovered she had spraddle leg! When we were trying to put the hobbles on her legs I noticed how she had a bloated...
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