sour crop

  1. TwentyOneChickens

    What should I do?

    I need to make a decision soon about Ethel, one of my not-so-healthy chickens. Around 2 months ago, Ethel recovered from Sour Crop. I had to give her water and medicine through a syringe for a week. Yesterday, I noticed she had it once again. Ethel hasn't laid an egg in about 8 months, so I...
  2. VTChicky

    Sick Chicken, sour crop?

    We've got a sick 1.5 year old RIR. She's not eating anything, but she's drinking a lot of water. Her crop is full in the morning, very balloon like, so I at first thought sour crop and made her "vomit" yesterday. I didn't notice a bad smell or anything. She also is having some pretty yuck,runny...
  3. TwentyOneChickens

    Lethargic & liquid poops

    My girl, Ethel, was healed from Sour Crop a few weeks ago (not sure if that has anything to do with it) 2 days ago, she stayed on the perch in the morning. I left her in there, not thinking anything of it. But this morning she did it again. My mom put her outside and she is acting lethargic...
  4. TwentyOneChickens

    How to get her back to normal?

    One of my hens recently recovered from Sour Crop, but she is really thin and still isn't eating normal. How can I get her back to normal weight and get her to start eating grain again?
  5. TwentyOneChickens

    Sour crop questions

    Hey there! My hen has sour crop and I am going to get Monistat 3 for her. But I'm curious to know how to get it IN her. How much do I give her, how do I get it in her, and what else I can do. thanks! p.s. this is my 2nd thread on her crop condition, but I just have new questions now.
  6. JensHens1987

    Swollen crop: to worry or relax

    Hello! I know this has been posted about a dozen times on here, but the difference in my scenario is that a 10 day old Orpington with what I assume is a swollen crop is otherwise perfectly healthy: drinking water, eating, maybe straining a bit for a small dry poop but I didn’t take notice of it...
  7. Alexandria_t

    Help! Sour Crop/ Impacted Crop 8 week old pullet

    8 week old pullet with sour crop/ impacted crop. I just separated her, I brought her inside. I’m planning on doing 12 hours no water and 24 hours no food. Is there anything else I should do? This is my first time dealing with this. Thank you! Update : I just gave her water with Sav-a-chick...
  8. C

    Sour crop or impacted?

    Hi everyone, I have 7 hens that are right around 6 months old and a couple days ago I noticed my biggest girl had a huge hard lump on her chest. It scared the crap out of me, I thought she had breast cancer. ‍♀️ Anyway, after hours of googling and figuring out how to get chicken health articles...
  9. BrahmaGirl2018

    Sour Crop in a year old hen.....Help please!

    I have a year old Light Brahma, Benedict who seems to be suffering from sour crop from what I have read on here and other articles online. The whole flock was treated for Coccidiosis back in June. She seemed to be feeling better and eating and drinking well for a bit. Then I noticed she started...
  10. B

    Sour Crop

    Hey Everyone, I seem to have bad luck with my hens. Once again, I need this amazing community to help me save one of my girls. Jenny is 1 1/2 old and has some troubling symptoms. I'm sure she has sour crop as her crop is swollen and feels like a water balloon. Its warm to the touch and...
  11. N

    HELP PLEASE: Lethargic, Sick Chicken Showing Several Symptoms

    Hi All, I need some help! One of my chickens has shown several different symptoms in a progression over the last few days. Below is info, I have been researching everything under the sun and I cannot figure out what she has. I don't want to over treat her for the wrong thing. Advice is much...
  12. L

    Had success reintegrating sick chicken

    Although We are new to caring for chickens, we had one (Henrietta) with sour crop. We followed the videos on YouTube massaged the right side of the chicken, tilted the chicken over and made sure she had enough time for air, and within a few days she was fine. However trying to re-integrate...
  13. T

    Experience on sour crop needed

    I know there's been a lot discussed on sour crop, but I can't find exactly what I need. Can anyone with experience with sour crop tell me if it'll take a bit for her to recover after the crop has passed? I had one impacted crop issue before and that hen was lively as soon as the crop passed, but...
  14. aleejohnson3

    I need help (sour/impacted crop)

    My little lady and I are on day 3 of sour/impacted crop. She has been on a diet of yogurt, boiled eggs, and ACV water. I have burped her a few times a day and her crop has definitely gone down.. but it still feels like a bag of rocks and her droppings are pretty watery. Is this a natural/normal...
  15. Equiem

    Not sour crop - doughy crop to fluid filled and not emptying - ADVICE PLEASE

    Prudence is my one original ex-battery hen that has never had to go to the vets... yet! She is 13 months free after being rescued from slaughter in March of 2018. I am in the UK and she is one of 6! Background: Thursday morning, she was slow to come out so I caught her (much to her disgust -...
  16. ReadyvilleBird

    6 week old- sour crop??

    So I just learned what sour crop is this last week when my silkie, about six weeks old, died after puking and having an enlarged crop. To make me feel better, I picked up four new chicks yesterday, all about six weeks old as well. They are all acting completely normal and very energetic but the...
  17. SpringbankFamilyFarm

    Impacted/sour crop i think?

    Hi everyone...i bought 3 Lavender Pekins from my local market a couple of weeks ago and 2 are perfectly fine, but my littlest one isnt. I thought it was sour crop originally as when i went to pick her up, a creamy liquid came out of her mouth and i held her upside down for a few seconds until it...
  18. N

    Gurgling /wheezing when breathing, squishy mass in crop.

    Hello all, I have an approximately 5 year old Brahma hen displaying respiratory symptoms but also with crop issues. I noticed she has been a bit lazy the past few days but couldn't find any other issues so wrote it off. Yesterday, however, I noticed her breathing was laboured and with every...
  19. PeekingPekin

    Impacted/Sour Crop in Pekin Duck?

    I have two ducks that are about 5-6 weeks old, I noticed that my pekin has been sitting down a lot more than normally, has been panting when it’s not hot and even after she’s drank a lot of water, and looks like she’s kinda limping, but it’s more like she’s stomping down harder with her right...
  20. LemonyCatapult

    Seemingly healthy pullet but showing strange symptoms

    I have a 6 month old pullet with a strange backstory. So she hatched from my two Easter Eggers and was always quite small for her age. When she was 3.5 months old, her feet got severe frost bite and she lost all her toes. She has lived in our house since but has been showing weird symptoms since...
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