sour crop?

  1. mabeljunesbiggestfan

    Howdy!! :) + ADVICE ASK

    Hi!! I'm new to keeping chickens of my own, but I've taken care of them for years. While I'm starting small with one hen and another soon to arrive, I'm trying my best to give my current chicken-- Mabel June-- the best of care. She arrived at my home after being henpecked, for the two weeks...
  2. A

    Hen with sour crop!!!

    Help!!! My Rhode Island Red Bantam has sour crop. How can I help her? Will it go away on its own? I noticed that she was being really sad today (not eating, standing/sitting around, etc) and I felt that her crop was really squishy and fluid-like. Earlier she threw up a little bit of yellowish...
  3. M

    Confused about my chickens crop

    This is my first time raising chickens and I would REALLY appreciate any advice on this. My hen has a very large crop. I looked into sour crop and impacted crop and I don't think her crop is impacted. I'm not sure if she has a sour crop though. It's large and squishy. The last few nights when...
  4. ChurchsChickens

    Not sure if we're dealing with Sour Crop... UPDATE: Yup, sour crop.

    Hi all! Not having great luck with my first little backyard flock… My chickens came home on Wednesday 4/27, and as soon as the next day I noticed our Easter Egger doing some weird movements with her head & neck - sort of squiggle stretching it out long, and opening her beak. I was out of town...
  5. C

    Cockerels longterm rattling, coughing for over 2 months....

    Hi there, I hope you can help -please? I have 6 chickens 4 hens and 2 turned out to be roosters (Australorps). They are about 6 months. Now for over 2 months the roosters are coughing /rattling when breathing. Sometimes you can hear the rattling even from a distance. No other symptoms. They...
  6. Three Musketeers


    Updated: March, 17th 2021. Hi all, This is my first post on this forum, so hopefully I am posting this in the right section. *DISCLAIMER [1]: I'd like to start off by stating that it is always best to go to a veterinarian - specifically one specialized in poultry if possible. I am currently...
  7. didirt

    Mushy Crop - Sour crop? How to dissolve whats left in the crop - she won't vomit.

    I have a chicken that started to throw up - which never had happened before... we got through that, but she still has a 'mushy crop'. I have watched a ton of videos on how to vomit them - which I have tried multiple time, but whatever is in there won't come up. She is off feed and has water...
  8. Cotton Hill Chick

    Hen with large, soft, squishy crop... Sour crop? Something else?

    Hello BYC friends, I've just isolated an approximately 2 y.o. hen that is lethargic. Her eyes are bright, she is breathing fine. While I was holding her, examining her crop, it feels large (as in expanded), soft, and squishy. Almost not like a crop at all, but more like just her tissue if...
  9. shoregirl1234

    Sour Crop I think - any advice!

    I have a 3 year old ISA brown who was not looking good a couple of weeks ago. I pulled her from the others. Got her hydrated and got her nutrient back up. B12 and Poultry Cell. She was eating and drinking well. Seemed to be on the mend so I put her back with the others. After a few days...
  10. Grits&Eggs

    sour crop help

    So, last week, I went out a little earlier than usual (to let the chickens into the run) and was surprised to see projectile water being spewed from the mouth of one of my Buff Orpingtons. She and 3 others are now 9 weeks old and were added to my existing flock of 14 week old Australorps over a...
  11. LovinThisFarmGirlLife

    Sick Chicken...sour crop? worms?? HELP!!

    Warning, LOOOOONG post!! But I'm desperate! Ok so I've been researching and treating my chicken all day and I've read sooooo many threads that now I think my chicken has every chicken condition under the sun! SOOOO I'm going to post my situation here and hope someone can help me figure out...
  12. Suskm

    Why are my hen's feathers all ruffled up on her head

    I have a 4+ year old French Black Copper Marans who seems puny. The feathers around her comb and head are ruffled straight up as if they had some kind of hair product on the them. She's lethargic as well. This poor girl has a prolapsed crop that has always sagged seriously. She could practically...
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