sneezing advice

  1. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Hi everyone! My almost 3 year old runner duck Hannibal was making a weird sneezing sound today when I let the flock out. They were foraging together and I kept noticing she was making this weird sneezing sound. I picked her up and gave her a check over. She had nothing in her nostrils, nothing...
  2. Kenz_T2172

    Sneezing Chicken

    Hi everyone! This is my first year with chickens so I’m a little concerned. I have a 4 month old olive egger pullet that has been sneezing for a week now. She sneezes pretty often. Her sneezing is not accompanied by any other symptoms aside from occasionally opening her mouth to breathe for a...
  3. Z

    My Chicken Is Sneezing And Has Foam In 1 Eye, But Is Acting Healthy

    Hi everyone my Frizzle Silkie mix has been sneezing for a bit but she has been acting normal so I thought nothing of it. I use a scratch with a lot dust, so I thought the sneezing was because of that. Today I noticed one of her eyes had foam in it, so I immediately isolated her. I also took out...
  4. C

    4 week old chick sneezing

    One of my quarantined sickies keeps sneezing, and a few of the healthy chicks are occasionally sneezing as well. One in particular is sneezing a whole lot, nearly every 30 seconds or less, and I'm worried she's not able to breathe properly. I've given her VetRX but that is all I have available...
  5. H

    Sneezing Banty

    I got a banty d’uccle rooster last night and am keeping him in the house for quarantine. He acts fine, very active. Eating and drinking fine. But he keeps sneezing. I put the save a chick vitamins in his water with a tad of apple cider vinegar. I’m worried about the sneezing. What should I do...
  6. jabou29

    2 New Pullets sneezing

    Hi, I just got 2 new pullets around a month ago. One EE and one Olive egger. Well the EE sneeze when we where driving home and kept doing it even after 2 weeks but I really didn’t think much of it as I thought it might be the shavings but now the they’re both sneezing and have clear liquid...
  7. S

    What does a duck's sneeze sound like?

    Im wondering if anybody might have video or knowledge on what a duck's sneeze sounds like? I had to leave in a hurry this morning to get to work, so I didn't have time to give my ducks a bath. I came home and my new one sounded like he was sneezing, but now that they've had a bath, he isn't...
  8. S

    Sneezing flock

    My hens are sneezing. I have tried antibiotics and oil of oregano and acv and sprayed them down with vetrx. Nothing is helping. They are still active and eating and laying. But I can’t seem to get them to stop. What am I doing wrong?
  9. ckbollier

    Sneezing Silkies

    Hi all- I am a new chicken mom & am worried because I have noticed that my four silkies have been sneezing more than I would think is normal (?) for a few days. -there is no snot, no watery eyes, no lethargy or anything else out of the usual. - they are running around, greeting me like...
  10. H

    Respiratory Issues with Buff

    Hello, I am looking for some help with my buff orph that is about 6 months old. As of this morning when she came out of the coop she had a whistling breath and was sneezing. She also has a runny nose. I've given electrolytes in the water and then was told oregano would work better. So currently...
  11. BrahmaMom1797

    Brahma Hen Sneezing Throughout Day! Help

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) A light Brahma hen about 18 weeks old now. Weighs probably around 3 pound and has not lost weight, is intact getting bigger and heavier. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She is...
  12. orangesplash

    Sneezing Chickens

    Some of my chickens sneeze after every 5 minutes. is this the beginning of CRD. should I give them anti-allergy or Salbutamol. both obviously have different mechanism of actions, so thats why i want to ask the experts of what to do please. Regards & best wishes to all chicken lovers :) P.S:-...
  13. emmsx3

    Baby Chicks Sneezing While Eating

    I have 3 one week old baby chicks and I noticed when they eat their starter crumbles, they sneeze. Usually they don't like to eat the large pieces so I break them a little or wet the feed just to make it easier for them. Cause if they are large dry pieces they don't eat it as much. I have VetRx...
  14. Hargett

    Easter Egger Sneezing/Acting Strange

    I have an EE that has been very sluggish and puffed up for about 24 hours. Yesterday she spent most of the morning in the coop and had a rattling sound in her breathing. This morning she came out with the rest of the hens, but hasn't been running around, eating, or drinking. This morning she...
  15. I

    My ducklings are sneezing? Help!

    Hello, I recently got seven ducklings that are now a week old. I have then in a brooder with a 100 watt heating lamp, pine shavings that I change daily, plenty of water and food. I have noticed that two of my ducks are starting to sneeze, a lot. The one doesn’t look to be clogged and I can’t...
  16. Cierabug


    My flock that i hatched 6 months ago has started to show signs if bronchitis , but the symptoms are still mild (occasional sneezing and a few have diarrhea).I have a hen who survived it years ago and did not know that they can be carrierers even after their symptoms have passed.She has been...
  17. Fireflylane

    Sneezing biddies

    Ok so to start I had 12 biddies that are fully feathered or at least close to it .I live in north Carolina and with hurricance Florence coming straight for where i live the biddies got moved into the chicken coop which was re enforced to prevent drafts and as little collection of water as...
  18. Bugpreisler

    Wheezing, Sneezing, Denagard, Oxine, and a Worried Sick Chickie Mom

    Hello fellow chicken keepers! As suggested, I’ve answered the below questions in regards to my disease issue. I would be so grateful to have questions, comments, concerns, and advice with my first flock and my first outbreak. 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel...
  19. S

    Sneezing Rooster

    Can anyone help me by giving me advice on what to do for a sneezing rooster? What could be causing his sneezing? Is this is bad? He seems fine with the exception of sneezing very, very often for the last 2 days. We’ve separated him from rest of flock to be on safe side.
  20. Archer123

    Buff orpington sneezing and runny poo

    Hi, I think my Orpington is poorly. She's had runny poo for about a week now (mainly light brown in colour) and has now started sneezing. She's lost weight and I don't think she's eating much of the layers pellets as her ceop is still feeling quite soft at the end of the day. She's definitely...
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