
  1. Lunes

    Bored chicks who are corn fanatics

    Sorry- a lot of questions I’m about to unpack here 😂 My two silkie chicks are 4 & 3 weeks old and seemed a little bored in their playpen setup so I googled if I could give them snacks or something new and read that if I chopped up sweet corn and gave them a very small amount it was ok. Well, I...
  2. Cloverr39

    Is my rooster's comb a bit too light for a silkie?

    This is my dominant white silkie roo Cloud. His comb was nice and dark up until about 9 months old when it started to get more red. I'm not too worried about it breeding wise cause almost all of my silkie hens have black combs. I'm expecting his first chicks on the 23rd. Of course the only hen...
  3. minamisfit

    Is this Silkie mixed with something else?

    I hatched this from a lady who raises silkies. But I have a sneaking suspicion that with the smooth feathers and pink feet it's daddy is not who she thinks lol. The skin is a light grey but with pink feet and comb. Definitely has 5 toes on both feet. Any ideas? Is this just a random phenomenon...
  4. Cloverr39

    Will their chicks be sexlinked? Will they be sexlinked by skin color?

    I have a cuckoo silkie hen with light skin and a dominant white silkie roo with dark skin. I know that cuckoo female x non-cuckoo male results in non-cuckoo females and cuckoo males. That would be fine if I bred my hen to a black rooster. But I only have a dominant white rooster. I'm wondering...
  5. Mozmay

    Silkie lover

    I have recently got 4 silkies that I am adoring but worried that I have roosters. I wont be able to keep roosters where I am. Sexing seems to be so confusing, and all of mine have different features, but sadly Im starting to think at least 3 of the 4 are Roos. What do you think? They are about...
  6. ChloeSilkie08

    ISO SILKIES! Arkansas or Missouri

    Hello! I’m ISO GROWN silkies for sale. I lost my whole flock and I want to get back into breeding again and hatching chicks. I don’t care the colors or anything like that I just need 3-4 hens and one rooster. ONLY silkies please. I am near the northern Arkansas and southern Missouri. Please...
  7. Sandwitch

    Silkie hen hatching/brooding questions

    Hi! So let me start off by saying that this is all still rather new to us so I have a couple questions. So we have a little silkie hen who has recently started to go a bit broody. We've still been taking the eggs but I'm starting to think about if we should just let her keep a couple and see if...
  8. Cloverr39

    Help me find the European silkie standard

    Right now I've been learning the USA silkie standards, but I'm in Europe and I wonder if the European standard is different from the American standards. Personally I like the look of the American standard silkies better, since I think European silkies are less fluffy and have slightly different...
  9. goatsandpeacocks

    Color variations

    What breed other than silkies is best for playing with varieties? frizzles, naked necks, ear tuft, beards, feet, and of course COLOR! i have a chocolate satin silkie rooster and for hens i have a mille fleur colored showgirl frizzle and a normal mille fleur frizzle, a white showgirl, chocolate...
  10. M

    Looking for buff Silkies, d'uccles, seramas and any hatching eggs in NY (Fulton county and surrounding areas)

    Hey everyone! I am looking to add a few bearded Buff silkies (hens and one rooster), d'uccles (hens, any color but especially mille fleur), and possibly a few serama hens. We are also very much wanting to load up the incubators to add to our large mixed "fun flock" This flock contains our pet...
  11. ElimAcres

    Chocolate Silkie breeding clarification

    I purchased six silkies last fall that were advertised as chocolates. I understand now that quite often chocolate silkies are actually duns. I want to confirm if I have chocolates or duns so my question is this: if I breed these birds together and I get all chocolate colored chicks then I truly...
  12. M

    No pooping and extra picking

    Hello fellow chicken lovers :) We have a lovely 8-9 week old silkie (assuming girl) who's acting a bit funny - shes out with her mum and the rest of the flock but we check them all the time for issues and we noticed recently that she lost (or likely picked out) all of the feathers under her...
  13. KatiewithZena

    I want my 11 silkie chicks to join the flock in the coop at night

    Hello fellow chicken lovers. I am talking about only silkies here. I have an original flock of 1 rooster and 2 hens, and 1 of those hens has 2, 2 week old chicks. I also have 11, 6 week old chicks that I hatched in incubator. They have been outside in a fenced off coop of their own for the past...
  14. SA Silkie mom

    Growths on beaks of month old Silkies. What could it be?

    Hi everyone, Our Silkies are a month old and we recently noticed some of them have growths on their beaks. I've tried to search online, but can't seem to find what it is. They seem to be eating/drinking OK, but since we're not experienced with chicken disease we want to learn whether there...
  15. Cloverr39

    Why do silkie cockerels crests shrink as they age while pullets crests grow?

    (Probably not the right topic for this, sorry.) This is kind of just a random question that popped into my head. My silkie rooster Cloud used to have such a big, poofy, beautiful crest and it just got smaller as he aged. On the other hand one of my pullet's crests seems to only get bigger with...
  16. J

    Flock not looking too good this winter

    Hello, so I've notice that this late fall/winter my flock hasn't been looking too good. I've had one hen die randomly, looking back I think maybe she got a vitamin deficiency some how but I'm not 100%. I'm worried for my flock because I've noticed some things that could be related to a harsh...
  17. saving grace

    Are Silkies a Good Fit for My Flock?

    Hello! I have some questions regarding silkies and if they would be a good fit for my flock or not. I currently have 16 chickens (5 RSL hens, 10 EE hens and one EE rooster). My plan for next spring is to add some black copper marans to the flock, cull the EE rooster (he's a whimp :hmm), and keep...
  18. L

    Silkie Chicks hens or Roos

    Hey guys New Silkie owner attempting to sex my lovely 7 week old chicks. I have a suspicion that the fully white one (Lavender) and the grey one with a large comb (Nori) are roo’s. Based on behaviour. Keen to hear what you think! 1. Name. Lavender. Fully White, large comb. 2. Name. Nori. Grey...
  19. Cloverr39

    What's the best, inexpensive book on silkie breeding, genetics and SOP?

    I'm thinking about purchasing a book on silkie breeding, genetics, colors and SOP. I've had a lot of people recommended buying a book on this topic to learn more about it. Every single person has suggested a completely different book, so I'm a bit lost. They seem to be quite expensive, so can...
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