
  1. Purple_grape84

    So COLD, Chickens inside, when to go back out?

    I have two silkies, not sure of age, prob less than one year, male and female, I brought them inside when it got really cold (-30 C), I heard they couldn't handle the cold like other breeds because of their feathers. They are happily hanging out in my basement in a small concrete floored room...
  2. S

    New to chicken raising

  3. SilkieGirl 1

    Fertile Silkie Eggs Wanted! Best place to get them?

    Hello! I have been in search of Silkie eggs that I could hatch myself. I can't find anyone selling silkie eggs nor chicks in my area so I'm thinking about buying some online. The only thing with online shopping is that I had some bad experience with buying eggs from eBay. The silkie eggs that...
  4. SilkieCharlie

    Chick weekly growth progression

    Hellooo :) I thought it would be helpful (and fun?) to see the weekly growth / age progression of my chicks! I guess it could also help with sexing...This is going to be from day 1 to week 8 for five babies (2 silkies, 3 polish / silkie crosses) I also have 'weekly' photos of another silkie and...
  5. SilkieNewbie!


    So i have a silkie hatching currently and i don''t know 1.How to feed him 2.What to feed him I don't have the starter thing any other things that he can eat?
  6. SilkieCharlie

    Hatching eggs day 22

    Hello!!:frow I haven't posted in over a year, oops! Last time was about my silkie rooster, who still has no interest in mating and probably never will... :barnie:old So now on to my story, we decided this year to buy fertilized silkie eggs to put under our broodies. We got 6, on day 14 I...
  7. TammyDFl

    This is Nevermore

    This is my spoiled boy, amazed at how fast they grow up!
  8. Thehappyheifer

    Gender game...again.

    Is (he) a silver partidge? - He was in a grow out pen with blues and splashes. Is there any way he could have came from the same stock? ( they only had white roosters and black hens on premises) Also , do you think (he's) a rooster or hen? Something about him screams rooster (bolder ...
  9. rabsabq

    Help! Silkie Roo with fungus AND wound

    Came back from a week vaca and discovered my Silkie roo (Moe) had not only developed some sort of fungus on his ear lobe, but also had his tail feathers plucked out and a somewhat scabbed over wound. I've given him a bath, Blue Koted the wound, and isolated him. This is my first time dealing...
  10. Christinecam

    Red Pyle, sexing diffilculty

    Hello! I've been doing a significant amount of reading throughout this site and finally have joined. I have found the info to be a great help. And now, I need help! I've just received this beautiful red pyle and am thinking...Roo?! She/he is about 4-5 months old, large, no comb growth...
  11. F

    Hurt chick, need help!

    My family recently got new chicks of assorted breeds. The affected chicken is a Silkie. She was found this morning, still alive but I don't know for how much longer. She was under all of the other chicks in our small pen. Her neck is bent about 90 degrees, sometimes it varies and she will stand...
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