sick duck

  1. D

    Sick Duck, dont know what to do for her

    Hey there, I have a female buff duck, almost 2 years old, who recently has started acting strange. We first noticed that when the flock would venture to the neighbors yard she would stop walking, drop her wings and wanted to be carried back to our yard. This is very unusual as our ducks do not...
  2. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    I was trying not to worry and thought maybe Winona was just acting differently because she just started laying. But I can't help but worry. She doesn't look well. She is not following the other three ducks or foraging with them as much. She stands there when the other ducks are doing their...
  3. Quacking ducks

    Sick duck

    Hello, my Silver Appleyard drake duck is not doing very well. in the last couple months, I have already lost two female duck that had some of the same symptoms as what my drake duck “Ducky” has… his symptoms are runny nose and eyes ( his eyes watered enough yesterday that his face was all crusty...
  4. L

    gasping for breath

    Good morning! I have been out of town and I recently came back to my cayuga hen sick. 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) - Cayuga, 3 years old, thin and light with an empty crop but usually she is heavy 2) What is the...
  5. Sadie W


    So my pekin girl Dixie is my favorite duck. I’ve had her the longest out of everyone and she’s the one that is nicest to me (eating out of my hand coming around me when outside willing to walk into the house ect.) I noticed today that she had missing feathers on her wings that I’m very concerned...
  6. M

    Lethargic duck, same for three days maybe more

    Hello friends, I need help with a diagnosis and treatment for an adult female Muscovy duck. She is a mom duck that has been coming to my house with her two babies the last couple months. However, three days ago I noticed her laying down in my front yard with her wings a little droopy, and when...
  7. S

    Peking duck losing feathers and skin turning black!!!!!

    Hi everyone! I have had my two pet peking ducks for over 6 years now. My oldest duck has been loosing some of his wing feathers for a while now but we thought he might just be molting. But overnight, the area under his wing has lost all feathers and the skin appears black/brown. It absolutely...
  8. J

    Sick ducky

    I've read over niacin deficiency in ducks and just am unsure about what to do. We have three nine week old hens, two of which are pekins & one beautiful khaki. Clementine as you can clearly tell in the video does not have crossed feet, but has been off-balance for a few days. She has a large...
  9. S

    Baby duck not growing

    Hi, I have 4 ducks that are about 2-3 months old. One of them (a Peking duck) is not growing and is barely getting any feathers. I called the vets around here and none of them treat ducks. She is a little shaky and doesn't seem to want to move around a lot. She is eating but not a lot. All...
  10. FirstTimeDuckMom

    Help my sick Pekin?

    Hello everyone! I have my first ducks, two Pekins approx. 6-8 weeks. Judging by their voices at this stage, we’re pretty sure they’re a male and a female. The one we think is female is named Ernie and for the past few days she has been acting off. Much less talkative and animated, just stands...
  11. That crazy duck lady

    Need advice, duck with eye infection and other with odd behavior. Please help!

    Hi everyone, i apologize for a lengthy post. Please bear with me, I could really use some support! There will be a recap at the end to provide a quick summary but I think the details are important. I have two 8 month old duck hens. Both silver appleyard sisters. One got foamy eye about a month...
  12. D

    Please help! Why is my duck’s dropping light orange and white?

    She last ate mussels. We’ve been feeding her it regularly since we’re out of duck feed, but this has never happened before. I believe there isn’t any orange in mussels, so I’m not sure why she’s had an orange dropping or what it’s indicating. She’s also been shaking her head and generally...
  13. D

    Please help my duck is very sick

    My ducks has suddenly become very unwell overnight. I woke her up this morning and she has been lethargic, not eating, hardly drinking and throwing up. She’s keeping her eyes closed but doesn’t look to be sleeping. I’ve tried giving her all her favourite foods but nothing is working. I went to...
  14. Quacking ducks

    Sick Indian runner?

    Hi I have 2 fawn and white Indian runner hen. 1 is a month older and is doing great! She’s a good weight and looks pretty healthy. The second one is a month younger and doesn’t look very good. She looks sickly to me but I’m not sure what wrong with her so I’m not sure how to help Symptoms...
  15. Kazizl

    Help !! Duck acting like she needs to puke

    My female duck has been making odd jerking motions like she needs to vomit for about an hour now. I can hear occasional gurgling sounds from i assume her crop. I tried massaging her chest, gave her some grit and olive oil, she's drinking water but it won't stop. All she ate today is some kale...
  16. A

    How to calm sick duck?

    So my duck has been at the vet for the last two nights as she was calcium deficient and using the calcium in her legs to produce her eggs, leading to sudden lameness. We got her back this afternoon and have to keep her inside, our only option was in a large fabric puppy pen (big enough for...
  17. N

    What else besides poison would make a duck vomit

    My 2 year old pet duck ChoonChu just passed away and I do not why. When I let ChoonChu and her chicken buddy out in the morning she did not run for her breakfast like normal & she didn't want to walk her eyes were not as wide open as normal so I thought she may of had an egg stuck as it has...
  18. M

    Duck coughing, unable to lift left wing.

    Hi, so I’ve been handling a Black Swedish for 8 years, who’s suddenly suffering some kind of wing injury and is coughing a LOT. He never had angel wing, but struggles to keep his wings in his down, which I recognize is a stress issue. I understand he is old, and in fact recently lost his...
  19. B

    Duck Twitching Wings?

    This is Honeybee, we just got him recently. He is about 5-6 months old, male, call duck. He started twitching his wings randomly. Maybe stress from being in new place? Seizure? Sickness? He is eating and drinking fine, preening, bathing.
  20. M

    Rouen Duck shaking head, separating itself from companions.

    So I’ve had this Rouen duck for 8 years. I made a previous thread on him, healthy before, has a brother who seems unphased. At first, he had some issues with feathers, and wasn’t able to get out of the pond, but seemed to be recovering. However recently his head has been shaking a lot, and he...
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