sick chicken

  1. Karridoll

    Suddenly Sick Chicken HELP

    I went on vacation for a week and my father took care of the chickens. He said everyone looks good. Yesterday morning An Orpington was very lethargic with her head hanging to the ground. I removed her quickly from the others. All of the other girls are beginning to lay for the first time so we...
  2. TwoChicksChix

    Bird Wheezing, Sounds Like Water in Lungs

    Hi everyone, I have an older bird, probably around 6 or 7, who has started to wheeze a bit when breathing. It sounds like a popping thing too occasionally, like he’s sort of gargling water. He seems to be the only one of my outside birds who’s acting like this. It started a few days ago, I...
  3. Ayam Cemani Mommy

    2 month old pullet has small scab with air bubble by it.

    I have 4, 2 month old ayam cemani. One of them was lying down and didn't try to get away when I went to pick her up. Looking her over I found she limped on left leg. I assessed the leg and found a very small scab on her thigh and there is a small air bubble by it. She drinks and eats but lays...
  4. BrahmaMom1797

    Blood in Stool?

    I have a bunch of 6 week old chicks. I have two sultans, a Swedish flower hen, and a barred rock. I had one other Swedish flower but she passed yesterday after a seizure. Now recently, in the coop I have been noticing, that there has been “blood” in stool where the chicks are, though the poo is...
  5. Hanathehappyhen

    Pencil thin poop?

    Two days ago, I noticed one of my hens was making small, pencil thin, poops. I haven't had any experience with these poops, and don't know what they could be. Other than the pooops, she is very healthy, and active. She eats and drinks regularly, and is very chatty. Some things that could be...
  6. R

    Sick chicken

  7. M

    Help! Sick chicken?

    First time chicken owner and worried about one of my chickens. Sunshine (5 months old, not laying yet) has kept her left eye shut all day today, opens it very rarely, barely and only for a second. She has also been laying down for most of the day for the last couple days. I saw her pecking...
  8. Abbkayx

    Respiratory issues? Rattling, coughing, sneezing. Help!

    Hi all. So a couple of my hens have started coughing / sneezing. There is no eye or nasal discharge. They are all eating, drinking and laying normally. The one hen tonight started rattling when breathing (see video). Again, no swelling or discharge anywhere. Any ideas what this could be? I...
  9. W

    Help: under the weather chicken, possible crop issue?

    Hello! I’m long term reader but new to posting to BYC - gutted this has to be my first post. I’ve 8 girls in total, 4 of them have been here 6 weeks and 4 of them joined us just over 2 weeks ago. All bought as POL but they all look young without a fully formed comb - no eggs from anyone yet...
  10. C

    Change in Egg Size - Does Anyone Know?

    Hello Everyone! Does anyone happen to know if it's possible for a chicken to lay very small eggs, and then suddenly lay larger ones? I have a sweet chicken, approx. 1.5 years old, and she has been acting funny lately. A vet gave her calcium liquid, and stated that was probably the cause. Today I...
  11. C

    Re: Recent Post - Hope it Helps Someone

    Posted a number of days ago regarding a sweet hen that suddenly became sick. It wasn't clear what was wrong. She rests in the nesting box mostly, and came out once, but squawked like she was in pain. - I was able to find a chicken vet in Longmont, and they immediately placed my chicken on liquid...
  12. T

    The doxycycline does'nt help to my sick chicken

    i rescued a sick silkie chicken, she is sneezing, has an heavy breathing and also one of her eyes is puffy with white bubbles. she eats and drinks in an okay amont (she has a small appetite) and she is only active around people as she follows them. i started gaving her the medicine 6 days ago...
  13. C

    HELP!!! Sick Chicken

    I've had this happen to one chicken before. It killed her. It's like a huge growth/abscess where the crop/breast is. Also, when she bends over to drink liquid seems to come out of her mouth. I separated her from the rest of the flock, and then gave her electrolytes, water, and food. It's hot...
  14. awyman

    Chickens Butt Infested In Maggots.

    I have a hen covered in maggots. They are everywhere on her butt. I’ve bathed her once in a tub full of fly spray and water. Then another time in water and vinegar. It seems like she has a ball of raw flesh coming out her behind. There are still a good bit of maggots on her butt. What do I do...
  15. appletrails

    sick chicken

    I read lots of helpful info here, but don't post much. I have a small flock of laying hens 19. Have noticed green diarrhea in one of the older, 3 years old, original hen. Lost her this week. We recently got some new pullets at an auction and they appear very healthy looking. We kept them...
  16. heathersheppard

    Possible EYP not sure if I should treat for infection or just make comfortable...

    I am looking for a bit of help. I am a fairly new chicken lady. I have 5 hens all two years old, purchased from my pet chicken. I have a two year old barred rock hen who is laying around and acting lethargic. She can walk, but doesn't seem to want to and when she first stands seems wobbly and...
  17. LemonyCatapult

    Seemingly healthy pullet but showing strange symptoms

    I have a 6 month old pullet with a strange backstory. So she hatched from my two Easter Eggers and was always quite small for her age. When she was 3.5 months old, her feet got severe frost bite and she lost all her toes. She has lived in our house since but has been showing weird symptoms since...
  18. LemonyCatapult

    Pullet with strange symptoms, seemingly healthy

    I have a 6 month old pullet with a strange backstory. So she hatched from my two Easter Eggers and was always quite small for her age. When she was 3.5 months old, her feet got severe frost bite and she lost all her toes. She has lived in our house since but has been showing weird symptoms since...
  19. knabtastic

    Fowl Pox or Favus?

    One of my chickens started looking poorly on Monday (April 8). Tail down and lethargic. We've had very healthy chickens and no problems for a few years now, so it was definitely a surprise when this one started acting sick. I know chickens are great at hiding illness, so when we notice...
  20. C

    Sick Chicken need help

    She is about 4 years old has not laid eggs in 2 years. she was fine until 4 days ago. She is walking like a penguin and is week. She is still eating and drinking. She will not go to her roost either. She is the only chicken left of 10 she has been along for a year now. She has always been the...
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