show bird

  1. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Which serama should I show? (Photos)

    If someone could take a look at my birds and see which I should put into show, I’d appreciate it. I’ve never showed before but I’m excited to try my hand on October 22nd’s serama show! My Males: 1 Splash (alpha) 1 Blue/Grey/Silver solid (beta) My Females: 1 pattern I can’t describe 1...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Are Murray Mcmurray's birds show quaility? Is this a good hatchery?

    I would be in the future possible interested in the sebrights (both gold and silver) and Egyptian Fayoumis along with other bantam breeds and possibly their French Black Copper Marans. Are their birds show quality and what are your experiences with this hatchery? Good or not? Thx,
  3. katelyn19

    Showable Call duck?

    I have the chance to buy a call drake out of exhibition lines, but i didn’t know if he was more pet quality or if he was breeder/show quality and was wondering if anyone could tell me before I purchase him? I already have pet quality ducks and want to work towards show quality. Thanks
  4. Chicks 'n ducks

    Getting rid of lice and their nits before show

    Hello! I have a show coming up in 2 weeks (first one in over a year) That I am really excited for! Except, my birds have lice :barnie I have silkies. I see some adult lice in the feathers on the body of my birds, and they have a lot of nits in their beards that I can't get off. I don't see any...
  5. Lordofthegreenpeas

    Shamo and Asil breeders in texas

    I have 13 layer hens and would love to add a Shamo or Asil to the flock eventually. I've always wanted weird rare breeds and I love the Shamo look, the bird would be for show and pet only and it's chicks would be strictly show pet only. I've seen them at the shows with gorgeous birds and I know...
  6. Phantom_k9

    How to remove the band from a chicken's foot?

    Hello all. Today, our sweetest hen sadly passed away. No warning that we could see. We assume she may had a problem with her reproductive track. She was also our show bird, and had an orange metal band with her number that was around her foot. If I can find a picture of either her band or a...
  7. Blue-Birchen Cochin Chick

    Blue-Birchen Cochin Chick

    A newly hatched blue-birchen cochin
  8. sunny_bellyboo

    Next show!!

    My next show will be the Canfield fair, which is the whole labor day week! If you can, stop down at the 4-H small animal barn, go on the chicken side, and look for the "Country Kids and Kritters" sign. Then look for the exhibitor name "Isabelle Ciavarella". They're building a new barn so it...
  9. Phantom_k9

    Question about how chickens are judged in a show?

    We are showing a polish pullet at our local stock show. It’s the end of the first day, and we went to check on our beloved pullet, and there was a green, circled “1” on her tag. We’re completely new to showing chickens, so we have no idea what this means. Is this a good thing? Attached should be...
  10. BeaghCochin

    New to this all!

    hi , I’ve kept my poultry just over a year and have started doing some showing, have had my first wins and just thought I’d share pictures of some of my flock. I breed Black and Blue Cochin large fowl. Any advice greatly appreciated as I’m still trying to get my feet :) Thank you
  11. Jack Czerwonka

    Broody Hen

    Hi All! I just found a broody hen and I was wondering if I put chicks under her if she will still lay eggs? The only reason i am worried about this is because she is a show bird and i want to hatch more of her eggs. Thanks!
  12. P

    Show Chicken Feeds

    We are new at FFA show chickens this year. We have some quality Rhode Island Reds, Black Jersey Giants and White Rocks this year. I hate to mess them up by not feeding them correctly! Could you advise/direct me on the brand of feed I should buy or % of protein I need to use. I see some are...
  13. Miriah132

    Respiratory infection in closed flock (show birds)

    How the heck does a closed flock get respiratory infection? I’m not exactly sure which specific infection it is. They sneeze a little bit during the day but at night is when you can really hear the gurgling when they breath. They do have nasal discharge but no other symptoms, they eat/drink/and...
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