shell less egg

  1. Lars Peter

    One lonely hen left. And she might be sick :(

    Hi again, We have lost Tove, our 6 year old French Copper Maran. Now, only 5 years old Tonny is left: (Me and Tonny in the garden) Now, it might be hypokonder, since we just had to deal with a very sick Tove, but sometimes the tip of her comb turns sliiightly purple, and it also seems slightly...
  2. S

    Chronic soft egg issue

    Hello! I have a Gold Laced Wyandotte who has always had some egg issues. - once or twice a month she’ll lay eggs with such thin and brittle shells that they break when you try to write the date on them. - every few months or so she’ll lay a shell-less or *very* soft shelled egg. My hens are...
  3. A

    5 mo, laying for a week, broken egg or prolapse?!

    I noticed our 5 mo bluebell egger in the corner of the run yesterday, with her wings down and tail down. She’s a spitfire so I knew something was off. She was normal this morning eating eggs and snacks and drinking water, this pm she was back to her quiet ways. Gave her an epsom salt warm bath...
  4. briannamonique16

    No-Shell Egg laid at night time

    So recently, my 22week old flock has started laying eggs. For the past two days, this chick had been going in and out of the nesting box like she’s getting ready to lay. Tonight, I count all them in the coop and I notice she seems constipated on the roosting bar. Then bam, an egg just drops...
  5. M

    Consistently laying shell less, liquid egg. Help!

    Hi- I have a barred rock hen who is 12 months old and has been a great egg layer. She recently laid 2 soft shell eggs and now for the past 5 days she has laid a shell-less egg on the poop shelf every night. The shell is completely missing, not even a soft shell is present. I believe the other...
  6. Snowy Canadian

    Hen lays rubber eggs every night while roosting

    Hello, I noticed one night a few weeks ago when putting my chickens away at night that one of my hens was acting strange and looked like it was squatting while roosting. I was a little confused and then it just layed an egg right there on the roosting stand. She had laid a shell less rubber egg...
  7. CalBickieMomma

    Hen Consistently Laying Shell-less Eggs

    Hello Chicken People, I’ve posted about my egg shell problems before, but after switching to mostly Layer Pellets (as opposed to only All Flock with oyster shell/crushed egg shells available), AND trying calcium tablets as a supplement, my Hattie is now laying eggs without any shell at all (as...
  8. CalBickieMomma

    HELP! Hens laying soft shell/no shell eggs!

    Hello chicken people! So here’s my dilemma … I currently have two hens laying soft or shell-less eggs. I feed the flock All Flock and Feather Fixer with scratch offered every other day. I have a dish I keep full with oyster shell and clean, dried egg shells for them at all times. Just...
  9. Harmoni

    Multiple shell less eggs

    At least 2 of my 4 EEs started laying 2 weeks ago. I know abnormal eggs are common in the beginning but I have gotten 4 shell less eggs in 2 weeks. They are perfectly formed other than no shell. My girls get grower feed and have free choice oyster shells and occasional toasted egg shells. My...
  10. Mrs Wick

    Shell-less egg with weird stuff stuck (pics)

    Hi, my hen was becoming lethargic. Yesterday she layed a softshell egg. I de-wormed her with levamisole. Today, she didn't move at all, and layed a shell-less egg with white weird stuff (see picture). She lost appetite. Should I give her medicine ? Her poop is always like a long foamy tube...
  11. MichelleMillar

    HELP!!! completely shell less/no membrane egg?

    This has been happening on and off as far as I know so far it’s only one hen so far. Can this be from stress? I’m new to chickens and I’ve been off to a rocky start. Any help is or advice is welcome... I do provide free choice oyster shells as well as layer feed.
  12. spiritpots

    Possible Marek's and not shell-less eggs after all??

    I hope someone is able to help figure out what is going on with my 12 month old Easter Egger Olivia, who has been laying eggs with only a yolk for the past week. I posted this a few days ago in the forum relating to egg laying but am now wondering if her symptoms may be related to Marek's. I got...
  13. spiritpots

    Why has my Easter Egger started laying only yolks?

    I hope someone can help me figure out why one of my chickens (12 months old) has started to lay eggs that appear to be only yolks with no whites or shell. I first noticed what I thought was simply the remains of what had been a broken egg about a week ago so cleaned it up and didn't think much...
  14. KenjiQuacker

    Hatching quail eggs in a cup?

    Hello, hope you're all having a good day! I've been doing research on hatching eggs without shells using a cup, plastic food wrap, a cotton ball, distilled water, and calcium lactate powder. I think the first people who did it were high school students in japan, or scientists, (not sure who did...
  15. S

    Chickens not laying regularly

    I have searched and searched, read and read, but I am not sure what is the issue with MY girls. I have 4 chickens, this is their second laying season. I am getting mostly 1 egg per day. last year I got almost one egg per day from the chickens. Often I find that they have dropped an egg in the...
  16. dalkeithowner

    Several Pullets Laying Shell-less eggs

    I have 3 Pullets that have started laying between 3 weeks and 6 days ago. In the last week I have now had 5 shellless eggs: On Monday: 2 with the other chicken not laying at all, so I am not sure if it may have been punctured and they ate it or I could not see it. Today (Thursday) 3 - even...
  17. S

    Please Help!!! Completely shelless egg to coccidiosis...???

    Hi all I just want to start by saying this is my first time posting here so please bear with me if any of this is incorrectly done. On Thursday.the 5th Baby Girl, who likes to spend time inside with me especially at night, had laid completely shelless egg. And then Friday night I noticed blood...
  18. emmagat

    Soft-Shelled/Shell-less Eggs

    Hello All! I have a bantam easter egger that is a year + a few months old. She seems very healthy and isn’t picked on or bullied by anyone else in the flock. However, I notice that every once in a while (which is too common for my liking), she’ll lay a soft shelled or completely shell-less egg...
  19. S

    Shell less eggs for 5 months now...

    Hi! My two year old Red Star has been laying shell less eggs for 5 months about every other day. She seems healthy and unbothered by it and lives with 3 of her “sisters”. Sometimes she lays a really weird looking egg that looks just terrible and she acts very somber and doesn’t move around much...
  20. divahens

    Chicken laying eggs without a shell

    Hi folks, I have a blue Andalusian hen who I believed had stopped laying eggs a few weeks ago. Today I saw her crouch and out came this: Now that I’ve seen this happen, I realize that she’s probably been doing this for some time, but likely has been eating her shell-less eggs (or another...
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