scissor beak

  1. H

    Help!!! Crooked Beak Baby!!!

    I just got a Jersey Giant chick 5 days ago (Making her 6 days old as of today)... Today I noticed that she has a crooked beak /scissor beak. This is my first time owning this breed AND having crooked / scissor beak. I've done some Googling / Youtubing on the matter and now I'm coming to my...
  2. OzarkEgghead

    2 wk old chick developing scissor beak

    I have seventeen 2 wk old Easter Egger chicks I'm raising indoors. They all appeared normal at 1 day old. I've noticed one of them is only HALF the size of the others so I singled her out today & inspected her closely. I was shocked & dismayed to see she was already developing scissor beak. I've...
  3. Nikkistar13

    Cross Beak loves mashed potatoes!

    My scissor/cross beak recently discovered she LOVES mashed potatoes! Just some leftover from our dinner- instant with butter and ranch powder. I’ve tried so many different feeds, mashes, etc and I’m happy to see her eating! She’s smaller than the rest of the flock, so I’d like to continue...
  4. R

    Scissor Beak

    One of my chicken eggs just hatched out and upon looking at it I’ve noticed it has scissor beak. I’ve never seen something like this before, what is the protocol for a deformity like this? I don’t want to humanly euthanize it unless necessary as other sources say they can live long happy lives...
  5. K

    Scissor beak

    I hatched some babies about three weeks ago. This baby (Silkie x green queen) has seemed to develop scissor beak. I have just now noticed it and it’s been eating and drinking fine. My question is, how do I treat this going forward? I’ve never dealt with this before.
  6. TheBirdBabe


    I have a chicken that I feel is developing scissor beak. What is a good all around supplement that I can start incorporating in to their food?
  7. D

    Scissor beak EE

    Hi all. So I picked up a few more chicks a couple weeks ago and within a few days, we noticed one of the EE babies has scissor beak. At first it wasn’t so bad, she was able to eat and drink just fine with the others. Recently we had to switch to a wet mash and a dropper because of the severity...
  8. TundraFang

    Crop wont empty

    Yesterday I noticed my scissor beak chicken, Mocha, wasn't acting like her usual self. She was sitting in a corner with her feathers fluffed and her wings down. She wouldn't even come to me for food. I took her to a vet and I was told she should be put down because of her deformity. She has...
  9. B

    Anyone know what breed my day old chick is?? Pekin?? Or Maran??

    Wondering if anyone could help me identify my little day old chick. I went to pick up my little day old polishes and RIR bantam and when I was there the breeder told me she had a little Pekin with a wonky beak that looked as though she may develop scissor beak and would give her to me with the...
  10. TundraFang

    How much food for crossbeak?

    I have a crossbeak/scissor beak EE and she's been eating mash for a while. She has stopped gaining weight and is less than 1/4 the size of her siblings. I've began tube feeding her 20ml twice a day. Is this enough? She isn't able to eat anything so the only food she gets is from tube feeding...
  11. TundraFang

    Cross Beak Chicken Losing Feathers

    I have an Ameraucana chick that has developed cross/scissor beak so I've been mixing up baby bird formula and chicken food for her to eat. She (not sure the gender yet but I'm hoping for a pullet) comes to the door when she's hungry and has been consistently gaining weight. She's still half the...
  12. grrunble

    Scissor beak help!

    Hello! I just wanted to know if anyone has some tips for managing a chicken with scissor beak. I’ve read about it so much but still have a few questions... I’ll attach some pictures of the poor babe. I’ve seen you can give them a scrambled egg for nutrients, but she has trouble getting it into...
  13. Hannahnic14

    Crevecoeur with crooked beak

    Meet Herky Jerky! (My husband named her lol) She is almost 7 weeks old and we just noticed this week that her beak is doing something doesn't really look like the scissor beak pictures I've seen, it just looks....crooked? She doesn't have any problems eating/drinking/foraging...
  14. MissPeep

    Cross beak?

    Hi all 👋🏻 I purchased four chicks from tractor supply almost two weeks ago and I noticed this morning that one seems to be developing cross beak. Is it normal for it to develop later or is it usually noticeable when they hatch? It doesn’t seem too severe, but I’m not sure if it will continue to...
  15. lancasterflock

    More humane to cull? More humane to live?

    When I first noticed Drew’s crossbeak.. ( Drew, after Drew Barrymore because she talks out of the side of her mouth ❤️ ) she was about a week and a half old. It was slightly curved off to the side of her mouth and I lovingly named her Drew and made plans for her to stay in my flock. As Drew has...
  16. cnielsen

    Chick developing cross beak- what to do??

    This is my chick, Princess Consuela (kudos if you know what show her name is from lol). It is nearly impossible to see in the pictures, but in person it appears that she is showing early signs of cross beak/scissor beak. she is growing her feathers about a day slower than her sisters, and the...
  17. Phantom_k9

    What kind of Vitamins should I give a Scissor Beak?

    I've started to worry about our scissor beak hen. She has been our best layer (once laying two eggs in one day!), and she is as sweet as can be. For the past few days, when we let her out of the coop she runs to an exposed patch of ground pecking furiously at snail shells. We have started to...
  18. Phantom_k9

    Question about Trimming a Beak?

    Our girl has a pretty gnarly scissor beak (and , and we've generally speaking done really good when it comes to making accommodations for her. Last time I tried to trim her beak, I used a pair of dog nail clippers and started a bleed that I thought nearly killed her. I could just be overly...
  19. S

    HELP!! Chick sexing needed

    Hi, need help chicken sexing. we purchased 10 chicks from a local hatchery a while back and now we are wondering what gender they are🧐. sadly 4 died when we placed them under our broody hen who we decided to use as a surrogate mother😢. Later we realised they passed because there vents were...
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