scaly leg mites

  1. M

    Is this ingrown feathers or scaly leg mite?

    Hello, I have 4 chickens in my flock. One of my chickens is a black Copper Marans with feathers of her legs. A week ago I noticed her legs had a bit of what looked like maybe ingrown feathers, but now I’m paranoid it might be the start of mites. Can anyone tell me if these pictures look like...
  2. BigBlueHen53

    Question About Scaly Leg Treatment

    A couple of my hens show signs of scaly leg mites, so tonight I started treating them all with Bag Balm. Will this work? I know the aim is to smother the little buggers, which reside up under the scales on the legs. Vaseline is usually recommended, but I thought Bag Balm seemed more therapeutic...
  3. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Pure Planet Poultry Spray for Scaly Leg Mites?

    I've never had to deal with scaly leg mites before, but I've recently noticed my chickens' legs look pretty rough. I also bought some BLRW last night and the rooster has it really bad. (He's in quarantine, no where near my other birds, they got it somewhere else) On hand I have Pure Planet...
  4. S

    Bare Earth Enclosure & Mite Treatment

    Hi guys, Newbie post here :) Sadly our little flock has got Scaly Leg Mites and while we're sorted with treatments and disinfecting their coop and perches, there seems to be little advice for what to treat their actual enclosure with. Most disinfectants appear to be designed for concrete...
  5. H

    Scaly leg mite treatment - Do I have to wash their feet every time before I apply vaseline? And are the fallen scales infectious?

    Pretty much as stated above! Is washing their feet and brushing the scales with a toothbrush necessary before I give them their vaseline treatment? Or can I just apply the vaseline after I wash their feet on the first day? My time is limited and I can only commit so much time everyday to washing...
  6. Fn87

    Leg Mites

    If I have a flock of 90 hens and 50 or so are displaying signs of leg mites, do I have to treat all 90 hens for leg mites, or can I get away with only treating the 50 who are displaying signs of leg mites?
  7. humblehillsfarm

    Check up reveals hole in beak and possible leg mites?

    I have a broody girl in broody jail starting this morning. When I got home I walked over to hang out with her and noticed two things: she has a hole in her beak and her leg scales look raised. As for the beak, I’ve seen several posts regarding this same issue and never saw a resolution. Anyone...
  8. K

    Just Joined BYC! Could use some guidance on an issue w/ Silkie Chicks!

    Hello fellow chicken lovers. Introducing myself to BYC and looking for some guidance. As of this past summer, I am a new chicken mama to 3 silkies (hopefully hens, but still not sure!). I am obsessed with them and I have read so many helpful threads on this site, thanks for sharing your...
  9. K

    scaly mites?

    I fear I already know the answer! Is this scaly leg mites? I didn’t see anything like this in any of my other birds but I know that doesn’t necessarily mean anything and if it is scaly leg mites, they’ll all have to be treated regardless. I am kicking myself wondering how long she’s been...
  10. lavenderforluck

    Scaly leg mites or injury?

    One of our sweet Splash Marans, Rosie, started limping 2-3 days ago. She is between 7-8 months old and has been laying for a few months. She also has been resting a lot - both the limping and resting are abnormal behavior for her. We have pretty much ruled out her being egg bound and she does...
  11. Eggs by Happy Chickens

    Scaly Leg Mites???

    Hey y’all! I was just curious is this scaly leg mites on my 3 month old polish rooster? Or is it just an injury he may of encountered while in his coop.
  12. Q

    To catch a rooster...

    Pretty sure roostie has scaly leg mites. The problem is, he’s impossible to catch. Any tips and tricks on how to get a quick, non social rooster? Also, how come non of my hens seem to have scaly leg??
  13. C

    HELP! What is this????

    Hello! I am a new chicken mama, and also have a rescue heritage turkey. We rescued Tommy because he has a strange deformity on his foot. we took him to the vet and they did not know what this issue is with him. i just discovered that he has a bad case of poultry lice or mites. I have been...
  14. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Injured Feet - Bandages? Leg Mites? Ideas?

    Hi all, Our poor 1 year old GLD just bounced back from a pretty severe case of tandem bumblefoot (bottom of both feet. After surgery and with lots of R&R she bounced back beautifully. Of course, upon being back outside for her first few weeks she ended up scraping the tops of both feet pretty...
  15. purpletiger

    Can someone confirm if this is scaly leg mites?

    Hi everyone! Hope everyone is well. Over the past year I've noticed my dominique hen named Sugar slowing down. She's about six years old. She is having a harder time keeping up with the flock and scratching for bugs. I thought she was just getting arthritis but now I'm convinced that most of her...
  16. filmcmahon

    rusty looking legs?!

    hello everyone. i have a 11 month old silkie hen here who appears to have dry skin the colour of rust on her legs. i will insert pictures so you have an idea of what it looks like! does anyone know what this could be? all other hens are fine, she doesn’t live in wet conditions or anything, and...
  17. S

    Preparing the run for new chickens after mites

    Hello all, I'm not sure if this belongs in this forum, or another one, but I'll start here. We have some new chicks in the garage that are ready to move to coop. Right around the time that we got our chicks, I noticed that my two big girls had scaly leg mites :(. I treated them and moved them...
  18. L

    Help! Scaly leg mites?

    I have a Partridge Cochin hen, about 8 months old, that may have scaly leg mites. They don’t look as bad as other cases I have seen photos of, and it’s a bit harder to tell since she has feathers on her legs. I started noticing that her index toe doesn’t lay flat when she walks (rolls outwards)...
  19. J

    How can I know for certain that my chickens have scaly leg mites?

    Greetings, So I have 12 hens and 2 roos and recently I noticed 1 of my roo's biting at his feet and legs and chasing himself in a circle, repeatedly! After investigating I think he has scaly leg mites but I'm not for sure. I also inspected the rest of my flock and some of them seem to have the...
  20. Aunt Angus

    This is Scaly Leg Mites, Right?

    I just cleaned my coop, too. #1: Buff Brahma, 11 mos #2: White Cochin, 11 mos Soak feet, smother in oil, clean out bedding, treat coop/roosts. What else do I need to do? TIA!
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