salmon faverolle

  1. child_of_air

    Hello fellow Chicken Lovers from CA :)

    Thought I would introduce myself. My husband and I just bought our first house in a more rural mountain area of Southern California. We're going from living in a two bedroom apartment (cramped with 3 cats and potted plants on the veranda) to a four bedroom house with some land! I'm so, so...
  2. L

    Salmon Faverolles - Underweight?

    Hi - I have a 16 week Salmon Faverolle who I think is being kept from food by more dominant birds in the flock. I have two feeders with All Flock 20% and 15 birds. She weights 2 lb 11 oz. How much did yours weigh at this age?
  3. T

    wyandotte x favorelle cross

    does anyone here have blrw or glw hen crossed with a salmon favorelle roo? i will be getting a sf roo and plan on letting my blrw and glw hatch some chicks out, so im curious about the appearance
  4. momminallday

    Salmon favorelles

    Hi! Advice on what to look for in week old salmon favs? I'm going pick 2 out this evening. They will be pets and egg layers.
  5. DeanJ1

    Looking for Speckled Sussex x Salmon Faverolle SEX-LINK Info. (Pics?)

    Deciding whether to experiment with Speckled Sussex Rooster w. Salmon Faverolle Hens to create Red Sex Links but I can't find any info from anyone who has done it, nor have I found any pictures. Thanks in advance for any info!
  6. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    ISO Salmon Favorelles Hatching eggs-Canada

    In search of salmon Favorelle hatching eggs . One or two dozen. Must be able to ship to Canada. Please post pics of the parent birds if you can, and include your price per dozen(or 6eggs) along with estimated shipping costs. Thankyou Also interested in mottled Houdan hatching eggs.
  7. (chicken pun)

    Showing off chickens

    I just kinda felt like showing off some of my Faverolles, I would love to see other people's birds!
  8. Jan in Fallbrook CA

    9 Days in a row one hen laid her eggs - is it unusual?

    I'd read that the maximum number of egg-laying days in a row is usually 6; then they rest the 7th day. But my Salmon Faverolle has laid an egg for NINE days in a row! She just started laying eggs 3 weeks ago (when she was 21 weeks 3 days old). Her sister, the same age but a bit smaller size, has...
  9. C

    Salmon Faverolle

    Hi! I'm searching for a local salmon faverolle breeder in Ohio. I have ordered from Meyer hatchery before, but they were a little dark in color for my liking. Does anyone have recommendations for breeders, or a hatchery that you were happy with the quality and coloring of salmon faverolles...
  10. Then I Will

    Possible bumble foot? Developmental delay - Or something else?

    Hey all, This is Raphael. He is feathering out much more slowly than his brothers and sisters. He likes to spar with the other cockerel and seems active, perky, and healthy. His comb and wattles are developing ahead of the others', but he is still only partially feathered out. He is also...
  11. CCinVT

    Favorelle in pain, large warm vent abcess?

    Hello, I am going to try and list her info as best as I can. Vern is 1yr old. She went Broody this spring and hatched 3 chicks. She was free ranging in the back yard, and was attacked by a fox. One chick died, and I thought I had lost Vern too. About 5 hrs later she had dragged herself back to...
  12. CCinVT

    Favorelle in pain, large warm vent abcess?

    Hello, I am going to try and list her info as best as I can. Vern is 1yr old. She went Broody this spring and hatched 3 chicks. She was free ranging in the back yard, and was attacked by a fox. One chick died, and I thought I had lost Vern too. About 5 hrs later she had dragged herself back to...
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