
  1. nekocafe

    Thought this was a hen..

    Hen or roo? Totally thought this was my hen out of 4 straight runs.. but now the saddle feathers area is looking more bustled with narrow feathers coming in. No color leaking though. Black/dark grey americauna - probably a mix. Around 16 weeks old. Hasn’t crowed yet though. Please help!
  2. Diveks

    Anyone have examples of brahma saddle feathers?

    I am now growing more and more worried of a lemon pyle brahma pullet i just got, i am suspicious of it’s tail feathers but im not sure if it si exactly the start of saddle feathers. Breeder told me 100% pullet. Its feathers is pretty broken from being in a wire brooder. It is around 3-4 months...
  3. Chick-mama

    Hen Saddle

    Hey everyone 🥰 I've been making hen saddles for the last couple of months now, seems to be a hard to find item (where I live anyways) so I wanted to let you know I'm here if you are looking for them! I make a couple different sized depending on your chicken 🐥 10" elastic (standard size) fits...
  4. R

    Saddle feather loss from roosters

    Hi all, we have an acre run with about 35 to 50 hens and 3 roosters. About 10 to 15 of our hens are losing feathers on their backs, and tops of their heads. I am 99% sure it is our 3 roosters despite there being 10 to 15 birds per roo. The run has plenty of grass, brush and trees for the...
  5. MilesFluffybutt

    Chicken Saddle

    I'm looking for saddle recommendations for a Silkie hen. She's my rooster's favorite gal and given that she's molting, she's a little bald in spots.
  6. BantamAshley

    Hatching saddled air sacs - upright vs. on side

    Q: Is it best to HATCH eggs with attached, though saddle shaped air sacs on their sides, or upright in egg cartons? Pros and cons of each? I am on day 18 of incubating 5 bantam eggs. All eggs are thriving well, though 5/5 eggs have fairly severely shaped, though normal sized saddle shaped air...
  7. Angie McMahan

    Saddle shaped air sacs in several eggs!

    Hey guys, I'm 12 days into my first incubating experience. Started with 13 eggs, (shipped) and now have 8 developing fine. I've been candling and am now seeing saddle shaped air sacs in 3 of my eggs. Please tell me what to do...I am using the Brinsea maxi II advance bator. Temp is 99.6, eggs...
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