runny nose

  1. Tanya22

    Rooster has runny nose and slight heavy breathing.

    Hello everyone! My rooster Brownie is 5 years old and today I observed that he was opening his beak a little bit to breathe (not always but from time to time though right now it has stopped) and was making light sounds while doing it. It sounded alarm bells in my head so I'm posting this. I put...
  2. KristinaM

    American Silkie with respiratory problems

    Hello, I’ve had a problem with one of my american silkies for a few months now. She’s constantly coughing and sneezing and her nose is always running. She’s about one year old, bit she’s extremly small. We have talked to our vet, he told us to give her Enroxil and it didn’t help her, we tried...
  3. G

    Sick Chicken, IDK what to do. Please help.

    Hey ya'll. I'm a new chicken mom, a little back story to how we got here. I got 5 chicks from a lady who hatches them off a local FB group. They were all happy and healthy, 2 turned out to be cockerels and I could keep them due to city laws. At the time when I got the chicks the woman assured me...
  4. theorganicchick

    Congested Hens with nasal mucus

    I caught and isolated two hens from our flock this morning as both are coughing and one has mucus coming out of her nose. I had noticed my Wyandotte making snuffle noises but didn’t know if it was allergies or dust. Both still have reddish combs, although one is rather dry looking. Both are...
  5. BreakneckRedneck

    Cochin seems under the weather?

    Hi all, long time no see! Stopping by to ask a question as usual. I was sitting with my flock today and my dear frizzle friend Cujo seems to be a bit under the weather. A little slower than usual, more inclined to just stand around, sat on my leg for quite a long time (and pooped on me. Not...
  6. titosfarm

    Chicken is clearly sick, put it out of its misery or is this treatable?

    We have a speckled sussex who has been acting weird for a few weeks. She hasn’t been showing many symptoms, but she has been distancing herself and changing her sleeping spots. Her wings have been a little droopy as well. Today we went down to their pen to find her laying down & the other hens...
  7. T

    Sneezing chicken clear nasal discharge

    I recently adopted a pair of silkie roosters from someone who was treating them for leg mites. Its all cleared up now, but there's another problem. One of the roosters has been sneezing and has clear nasal discharge. He doesn't have any other symptoms yet. The other has been yawning, but that's...
  8. Psychstew

    New Chicks with possible respiratory illness

    Sorry in advance for lengthy post I am answering questions from the sick bird check-list that are relevant to my birds. I will try to be concise and make it readable. 2 Cochin chicks about 4-5 weeks old. Normal weight. Seem to be growing normally. Occasional sneezing, slight runny nose, some...
  9. Sassy-ChikN Mom

    Is this “healthy” poo?? (Pics inside post)

    So I’ve recently been dealing with runny noses and worms in my backyard flock (mix of breeds/ages; but all old enough to be outside together. Recently I’ve noticed some worms in poo (while washing off my porch - a WHOLE other can of worms! Pun intended) as well as a few with runny noses. On...
  10. Goosebaby

    Questions/ infectious bronchitis?

    My flock has had white diarrhea and occasional respiratory issues since the end of May/ beginning of June, diagnostic testing and a vet isn’t an option currently so I know it’s anyone’s guess what my flock actually has. Some suggestions included renal coccidia, or a very mild form infectious...
  11. R

    Runny nose, gaping and wheezing sound.

    Chicks are from one month to two months including two polish, two bantams, two buffs, two silkies. My bantams are alright. Both my polish are wheezing? With a little runny nose. My buff and silkie are smaller, the buffs have a runny nose and they gape when I hold them. The silkies don't gape but...
  12. H

    Turkey is sick

    I have a 2 year old royal palm Tom and the past few days he's had a runny nose and today I noticed he has green diarrhea. Maybe just a cold? Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks so much in advance
  13. C

    Mystery illness - please help

    New chicken tender here. My chickens were all born around the beginning of June 2020. Up until the last 30 days my 20 chickens have had an impeccable bill of health. Recently 6 of the flock has been stricken with fowl pox. I immediately separated them. About 2-3 weeks after separation I found...
  14. hugitnotnugget

    Hen with runny and dead smelling nose

    Yeah. It doesn’t sound good but she is actually acting 100% herself. Can’t say normal because she has never been normal. I swear she has a screw loose. Anyway. She was acting tired about a week ago but nothing bad. Just taking a few more day naps than usual. Then she returned to her normal...
  15. skippyranhome

    Own 2 backyard hens, one died suddenly from a "cold"? Can you help diagnose?

    Greetings. Mavis and Mildred are 3-year-old free-range, Bovans or Lohman Reds. Both very healthy until Mavis started laying yolkless, small eggs for about 6 weeks. Then for 3 days, she seemed to have a slight cold with a few sneezes and runny nose. She held her beak open a lot. Runny poop...
  16. E

    Silkies sneezing - help!

    Hi everyone, I am hoping for some Advice. My 4 silkes are 15 weeks old and this is my first time raising chickens so there’s a lot of trial and error happening lol. So, we went out of town for Thanksgiving, and of course the night we left it rained for the first time since they’ve been outside...
  17. GoldiLaced

    Will rinsing my chicks' eyes with saline help clear their sinuses?

    I heard recently that putting some saline solution on/in their eyes can help clear their sinuses. Is this true? And are there any other ways I can help them breathe better?
  18. Hermit

    Camp Fire smoke & ash - Chickens’ nares bloody/runny?

    I’ve got one chicken with blood traces on both sides, and so far I’ve been thoroughly wet-sneezed all over by another. We aren’t far from the Camp Fire, but we are far enough to be out of danger. I’ve been out every day in makeshift smoke & particulate gear to clean cages and refresh everyone’s...
  19. thefadedstitch

    Pullets Sneezing and Gasping

    I have a mixed breed flock. There have been no new birds introduced lately...for probably 3 months. At the beginning of this month I moved. There was a huge chicken coop I purchased from a friend. It had been empty for months (5 or 6 months?) and the chickens they had were healthy. There are...
  20. grumpycupcake

    Baby Chicks with possible Respiratory Illness

    (Reposted) Hello! I have a flock of 8 beautiful mixed breed chicks. I originally had just 4 bantam breeds (2 brown old english and 2 black ones) but then my father got 4 more regular sized chickens from a coworker of his, all of whom are mixed kinds. We have had them for 4 days and I’ve noticed...
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