
  1. C

    Is this white chicken a Rooster or Hen. Behaviors is odd.

    Hello everyone. Need some help identifying the gender of this specific chicken. For context all 3 chickens in these pictures are same hatch date. Got them from a family friend as chicks. The white chicken in question is the one with deep red comb and waddles. I can not for the life of me figure...
  2. MayaMirko

    Rooster behavior?

    I've been noticing my goofy little chick has been trying to climb onto the highest point of the towel in his bin, we believe him to be a old English game bantam, so his behavior is otherwise very energetic and jumpy/skittish. I've heard that young chicks usually exhibit rooster behavior early...
  3. Catherinepowers

    Is Becky a Bobby?

    I am a first time chicken owner and am not sure if my gorgeous white rock chicken is a hen or a rooster. The feed store I got her (?) from as a chick in December said it was a female, but I am starting to think maybe not. Becky is much larger that the other chickens we got at the same time and...
  4. Myhensloveme

    Little Roo?

    I have this Americana “pullet” who looks an aweful lot like a little Roo. What is your opinion?? It is the colorful one in the back of the photo. She is about eight weeks old.
  5. William Mellor15

    Cockeral Or Pullet?

    Hi, I've got two Leghorns and one of them has developed a rather large comb, she/he started growing it at about 12 weeks old and now it's week 18 but the odd thing is that she/he doesn't have any sickle feathers or any sort of rooster-like feathers. Usually, I have been able to successfully...
  6. TwistyTW

    Unsure of breed and gender

    Long time no see, chicken loving friends! I have about 3-4 month old chickens that I got about two months ago under the impression that they were all hens, and leghorn/maran crosses. Now I’m not so sure. One of them (the darker one) is MUCH larger than her(?) sister. I also notice her curled...
  7. Camocat22

    Is he a roo?

    My friend recently got this chicken super sweet and kind but we aren’t sure if he’s a roo or not
  8. MFRcoop

    Lavender Ameraucana Rooster?

    I bought 2 lavender Ameraucana chicks and I think I got one male and one female. Thats based on comb, body size, and tail feathers. But I'm doubting myself as we are going on about 3 months and the rooster still hasn't crowed. Is that normal for this breed? What are your thoughts?
  9. SophiaLinn

    Could my hen actually be a rooster?

    So my chickens are 10 weeks old now and i’m thinking one of them might be a rooster. She’s noticeably bigger than the others and her comb is coming in a lot more. She/he doesn’t crow yet but I noticed tonight she’s making more “bawking” sounds than the others. We can’t keep roosters where I live...
  10. SophiaLinn

    Could my hen actually be a rooster?

    So my chickens are 10 weeks old now and i’m thinking one of them might be a rooster. She’s noticeably bigger than the others and her comb is coming in a lot more. She/he doesn’t crow yet but I noticed tonight she’s making more “bawking” sounds than the others. We can’t keep roosters where I live...
  11. Fromchickenswithlove

    Pullets or roos?

    Hi everyone 👋 so we have four flock members, 2 faverolles (salmon and bircher) and two warrens/goldlines. I’m wondering whether the goldlines are roos or pullets. I spotted what looks like the beginnings of a thin black tail feather on one yesterday and thought I should check. They hatched on...
  12. ChickenIsRwar

    Rooster or No?

    My handful of chickens are getting on 9 weeks old. Cochins I have one that is definitely the alpha bird. She is developing head features faster than her sisters, which makes me wonder if she is a Rooster. Or if the alpha bird just grows faster. The bird in question is right in the middle of...
  13. CaramelKittey

    Silkie hen with bleeding neck injury! Help!

    Hi, Earlier today around 5:00, my younger sister came running to tell me that our 5-year-old favorite silkie hen Polo has a neck injury. not Sure what time but it happened today. Her skin is pulled back and you can see blood coming from her neck. We put her in a coop by herself with food and...
  14. CyanRose

    Mostly Roos- I think?

    Hi there! Just hatched 7 eggs only 3 weeks ago. I know it's a bit early to know genders for sure, but I'm thinking it's possible 4 out of 7 are male. Of the 4, there are 2 that I'm really smitten with and I'll only be able to keep one rooster, most likely. In y'alls opinion, which would be a...
  15. Poultry keeper12

    Hen acting wierd...

    Hello. So this morning I went outside too do my regular chicken stuff, and something wierd happend that I have never seen before. One of my hens was on top of another one of my hens, doing you know what roosters do. I am only raising hens right now, and each one of them I have seen lay an egg...
  16. BrahmaMom1797

    Brahma roo?

    I recently ordered a light Brahma (August of this year), super sweet little bird, I actually love him/her quite a bit. But I’m afraid even that even ordering only hens, I may have ended up with another rooster (in fact I’m almost positive. My luck with getting roosters honestly..) I’m pretty...
  17. HHcoop


    Hi all, Purchased a mix of 15 “pullets” last August. They were sexed with a magnet on a string and we’ve already brought one rooster back, have at least 3 more with obvious tail plumes who are facing off and I’m wondering about these 2. The big one I saw grabbing a couple hen’s necks and I think...
  18. J

    Hen or rooster?

    Hello! I am a new chicken mom and kind of worried that one of my three Rhode Island Reds is a rooster. I’m honestly not even 100% sure that she is a Rhode Island Red because when we first got her nobody knew. She was cream colored with brown wings. Very different looking from the others (that’s...
  19. J

    Is Penelope an Ameracauna rooster?

    I got some Ameracauna pullets at Tractor Supply on August 11th. Penelope's tail is very different from the others. Could she be a rooster? Also her tufts of hair on her face are much bushier than the others. Is it too early to tell?
  20. RPPotter

    Rose or Ross?

    Trying to identify the sex of our 13 week old Easter egger. She's always been the chatty one, and this morning started to make what sounded like crowing noises. I also noticed some spur growth and the difference in her tail feathers compared to the other chickens. Any help would be great. I'm...
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