ringneck dove

  1. movick

    Eurasian collared dove 'crested'

    I came across a mention of a 'crested' Eurasian collared dove (S. decaocto) in nature. It is said that crested ringneck doves escaped from captivity in their area in the past. Now there are 'crested' ECDs. This recessive trait is likely to be in the population forever, as is the case with...
  2. ItsYelik

    Sick male ringneck

    My sweet boy Duck has been very lethargic. We noticed it yesterday evening. He’s housed with his mate Goose, and two 4 week old babies Pigeon and Biscuit. The other doves are acting as they usually do, but Duck is lethargic, fluffed up, with runny green stools, and has little to no appetite. We...
  3. Fritzen

    New Dove Owner!

    Hi there! I've recently come into ownership with two ringneck doves, one wild type and one bulleyed white, I believe! I've always wanted doves, so this is a dream come true. They were surrendered to my friend's workplace, and he asked me if I could take them in. Does anyone have any tips on...
  4. T

    Introducing New Female and Male Doves

    Hey all. To start I'm a bit of a newbie to raising birds of any kind but I'm excited to get into it. I got into it when about the better part of a year ago when I saved a young mourning dove off the side of the road that was hit by a car. To my surprise the dove lived, despite not being the best...
  5. Accounts on the behavior and identification of various North American doves commonly found in captivity-( Zenaida and Streptoplia)

    Accounts on the behavior and identification of various North American doves commonly found in captivity-( Zenaida and Streptoplia)

    Zenaida and Streptoplia- It has come to my attention that many keepers of doves have an interest in the natural behaviors of the species that they keep- because of this I will be publishing several articles describing the life histories of the species that I have seen first-hand in the wild that...
  6. 12 O-Clock Choir

    Companion for a Ringneck Dove? Maybe Quail?

    Howdy! I have just been given an exceedingly elderly female ringneck dove, and am considering getting her a companion. She currently lives in a room containing two other cages with her mate and daughter of some years ago, but is going to be moved soon to a new home very far away. At this new...
  7. A

    Ringneck Doves

    A month ago I bought a pair of Ringnecks. The shopkeeper told me that it's a pair. But as I've observed I think both are males because both of them do bow cooing in front of eachother and both of them try to get on top of the other as they do during mating. Yesterday I left 2 quail eggs in their...
  8. R

    why does my ringneck keep pecking at me

    My ringneck dove keeps pecking at me from in and outside his cage he never did this be for he was very loving and cuddly but now he's being really mean i need some advice or something can anybody help me I'm very nervous over the hole situation but when i check to see if he has any signs of...
  9. thelightswechase

    Aggressive male ring-necked dove

    I've owned a pair of ring-necked doves for the past three years, and the male has been aggressive against the female since febuary. He chases her, attacks her when she attemps to eat/drink and pinches the feathers at the back of her head until they come off. She is practically bald as of right...
  10. SelenasIceCastle

    Need help with Ring Neck Dove.

    I was left with one ring neck dove after someone passed away. I have no experience with them. He has not been DNA sexed but due to not laying eggs I’m assuming it’s male. Plus his behavior indicates male. I have read that they should be kept in pairs? I don’t know if he’s ever had a friend or...
  11. A

    Premature Death of Ring Neck Doves

    Greetings! I acquired a rescue male white dove & purchased a female of the same type. They blessed me with 2 healthy chicks & I put one with each parent. They receive dove/pigeon food, pellets, thawed corn & millet daily with fresh water along with yearly avian vet visits. All was good until...
  12. NineChickens

    Can a dove or pigeon live with a canary?

    Can a single dove (like a diamond, cape, or ringneck) live with a single male canary? What about a single pigeon living with a aungle male canary? I know canaries are solitary birds but people keep them in aviaries just fine. Would the dove or pigeon be sad it didn't have a friend of the same...
  13. N

    Dove Failing to Lay Eggs

    I have a pair of ringneck doves (the male I got first and then about 2 years later I got a female). They're both adult, they have mated, and they've been together for about a year now. My female has been nesting in the food bowl (I have a nesting area for them but for some reason she likes to...
  14. Quails1

    Ringneck Dove Egg!

    The time has come... I have happened to notice an egg laid in the nest box about a week after the female dove was frequenting in and out of the nest, especially during the morning hours. Before laying, I added some dry grass and weeds and layered them in the nest to use as bedding to cushion the...
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